Moving In Part 1

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Moving In 🏠 Part 1
You were at the fair and they were having a raffle to move in with a random celebrity for a year. Your friend Sidney entered and ran back to you. 'You should do it too!' "Eh....I don't know." 'Well you know....all the money goes to charity...not to the celebrity.' " much is a raffle ticket..." 'ha! Yes! Their $20 each.' "Fine." You walked up and bought a ticket. You walked back. "Happy?" 'A little haha!....I wonder who the celebrity is?' "Probably some no name from a random movie." 'Maybe it's like J-Lo or something!' "Doubt it!" The announcer came out on stage. 'Okay everyone! I know your all eager for the raffle we will announce the winner in 5 minutes!' Sidney tapped you. 'I'm excited!' You smiled. "Whatever." 'Oh cmon! The chance to live the celebrity lifestyle! You can't pass that up!' "Money isn't everything Sid!" 'I know.....but the lifestyle though....' "Okay yes it would be cool." 'See!' "But I'm just being realistic....I'm not gonna win and the money isn't interesting to me." 'Okay well still I wanna win!' The announcer came out. 'Okay y'all! Who's excited?!' Everyone screamed. 'Alright! I love the energy!....let's get right to it!...everyone get your tickets out!' You got your ticket out. 'Okay everyone!' They picked a ticket. 'Okay here it is!....the winning number is.....194736!' Sidney scoffed. 'Man! Not me...' you looked down. "No fucking way...." Sidney looked at your ticket. 'Oh my god!' "I won....." 'you won!' You walked up on stage. 'Congratulations! What's your name?' "Y/N." 'Well y/n! You be living with Demi Lovato for 1 year! How does that sound?!' "Um idk I'm just shocked..." 'Well we're happy for you! Congratulations!' You walked back to Sidney. 'Omg! Y/n! Demi!' "I know! I had a crush on her when I was like 12!" 'And you thought it would be some nobody.' "Shhh." A man came up and said. 'Y/n?' You turned around. "Yes?" 'Come with me please.' You looked over at Sidney. 'Go! I'll be right here!' You followed the man. He took you to the fair office. 'We just have some forms and documents you need to read and sign.' "Okay." The documents were just basically. Don't break personal possessions. Don't steal. Go by Demi's rules. Stuff like that. You signed. The man stood up. 'Okay Great So would you like to meet her?' "Who?" 'Um Demi?' "Oh um yeah sure!" He spoke into his earpiece. 'Okay bring her in.' You waited for like 5 min. And a security guard walked in. Then you saw her. Demi. She was even more gorgeous in person. "Uh hi! I'm y/n." Trying to play it cool but inside you were freaking out. 'Hi it's nice to meet excited to move in?' "I mean sure whenever it's convenient for you." 'Your doesn't matter I don't care when just let me know.' You blinked a few times. 'I know it's inconvenient for her to have a random stranger in her house but she shouldn't be rude about it.' You thought. "Um do I get a hold of you?" 'Here.' She handed you a piece of paper. 'Please don't blow up my phone.' You felt disgusted. 'Blow up your phone?! Really? Wow.' You thought. "Okay I won't." She put her sunglasses on and walked out. Her security guard gave you a piece of paper. 'This is the address and security code.' "Thank you." 'No problem.' You walked out and met up with Sidney. 'So? You ready to meet her?!' "I just did." 'Omg! What's she like?!' "To be honest....she was a bit of a bitch." 'What?' "Yeah. She was rude and mean." 'Well she just had to get to know you....and a complete stranger is moving into her house.' "Yeah." 'It'll take time.' "You're right." 'I know.' You laughed. 'Let's go get you packed!' You guys went back to your house and packed your things. You packed your things in your car. You texted Demi. 'Hi Demi this is y/n. I was just wondering if tonight was okay for me to drop by and bring my things?' About 15 minutes go by and she texts you back. 'Fine.' You scoffed. Sidney heard you. 'What happened?' You showed her. 'Oh...' "see what I told you...she was like this earlier." 'Well just be nice.' "Mmmm that'll be tough." She looked at you. "Okay! I'll be nice!" 'Good.' You drove over to her house and you parked on the street. You grabbed your 2 bags. And got to her gate. You texted her. 'I'm here.' You put the code in. The gates opened and you walked in staring at the house. "Wow...." You whispered. Demi walked out. You were still admiring her home. 'You coming in?' You looked at her. "Oh yes...I'm sorry." You walked up to the front door. 'That's all you have?' "Yeah...I don't have many things." She chuckled a bit. You rolled your eyes. You turned back to her being nice..... "you have a wonderful home!" 'Eh it's okay.' "So....where do I stay?" 'Right over here.' She took you upstairs to a small room in the corner of the house. "Thank you...I know this must be an inconvenience for you....I'll do my best to stay out of your way." She didn't reply. You started to hang up your clothes.....

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