hi I cant sleep cuz thinking about something is hindering that.... basically on Jackson's most recent tiktok:
i saw sissy comment something that made it hella obvious that she likes him:
shes been commenting alot of things on his tiktoks that made me think she likes him but this... idk why but it makes me really upset. ya I want him to be happy with someone and all but at the same time... I don't? idk ill never even meet him and in 4 yrs younger than him but still- also I'm pretty sure they met in person for the 1st time at playlist (correct me if I'm wrong pls), and here I am, in my room, crying and ranting on here... when I have school tomorrow😒 ive never been this upset over the influencer I like having someone liking them/them liking someone/that one person have a gf or anything like that... ya I got upset but I've never cried or not been able to sleep thinking about it. ya when he does get a gf ill be happy for him but like I said part of me will really upset... pls don't come at me for any reason, also if u fangirl over someone like I do Jackson I bet U understand where I'm coming from... other than all that tho imma try to sleep cuz blah school and choir concert tomorrow