Phoenix Reborn?/Who are you?

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Phoenix and Fang hold their slash each other

Then they released the slash holding

Fang commands stone wiz*monster to attack Phoenix "Attack him!"

Phoenix eyes glowing and then stone wiz*monster all burnt out - ability: 'Eyes of the fear of burning'

Fang shocked "what just happened?"

Phoenix "I won't explain that... Either..."

Fang coming towards "who told you to explain?"

Phoenix hands burning up and He land powerful punch on Fang

Fang "what a hottest punch ever I never had"

Phoenix "oh really?..." phoenix jumps towards fang and landed slash on him

Phoenix use his lightspeed and slashing fang while running "is that it?

Fang stood up "shut up I'll never die!"

Phoenix "oh really? ....Let's see about that" Phoenix jumps on the air and slashed Fang with flame aura slash

Fang and Phoenix both use their speed power and punch each other fist and made huge aura clash

Fang "so hot!" fang fist is burn up and Phoenix just stretch his hands a little bit

Phoenix "hmp that's interesting" use lightspeed and uppercut Fang to air and slashing him with Wing 10 time from right to left

Fang fall to ground "who the freak are you?! Why you are this strong?" fang struggles to get up

Phoenix "like I said I won't answer that... Better you try to remember me..."

Fang stood up "remembe_? PHOENIX!!! B*tch you alive?!?!"

Phoenix "yes I am..."

Fang and Phoenix use their speed power once again and they're blocking punch each other

Phoenix land a punch on fang face "enough I'll end you right here..." Blade of burning wings is burning up

Fang secretly take out his Fang-Blade

Phoenix "Phoenix final blow..." Phoenix make the slash symbol '+' and it about land on fang body but Fang block it with Fang-Blade and absorb it

Phoenix still stand at same spot

Fang "what's wrong won't fight anymore? Huh?"

Phoenix turn around a tiny bit

Fang hear Fang-Blade cracking and then it broke "what?" and the slash back and landed on fang body and it's rotating and turning into 'Burning Tornado' slowly "impossible I'll die right here?! IMPOSSIBLE! I'll comeback Phoenix!!" the Burning Tornado went through fang and he exploded

Phoenix "goodbye you evil dragon species..."

Jang wonyoung runs towards him and yell at him "WHO ARE YOU?!?!"

Phoenix grow wings and wrap up his body, his body is burning up then the wings wrap off his body and appearances

It's Eric.. (but he wore hat's, suits, black pants)

Nobody recognize him...

Miyawaki Sakura "who is.... He?"

Jang wonyoung "who___ *gasp* e-eric?"

Eric Phoenix "aish! Such a disturbing....."

Miyawaki Sakura "is that Eric?!" sakura runs towards him and hug him "Eric is this really you?!"

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