Chapter 4

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Winterfell, Brandon's POV

I have successfully managed to enhance my growth using magic, an amazing achievement I know. At the age of 2 years old I was already the size of a 4 year old child with total control over my movement. I was elated! While I would miss the wide variety of tits that I used to drink from –seriously, uncle Benjen brought me 20 different wet nurses, all inspected personally. My adventures around Winterfell have proved fruitful. The castle seemed to have its own magic, which eased the process of implementing wards. I had intent-based wards, lighting wards – to strike any sieging army, Foe-or-friend, a ridiculous amount of spying wards, anti-theft and loyalty enforcing wards. I wasn't taking any chances with trust and loyalty of the residents of Winterfell and Wintertown. Personal freedom is great and everything but trust and loyalty are a fickle thing, and these wolves were no badgers.

The vault that was located under the crypts was unfortunately blocked by the floor of the crypt, So naturally I demolished the floor with a flick of my hand and re-assembled it with a mixture of transfiguration and charms so It would open theatrically and the floor would split and re-arrange itself into stairs when a stark spills blood on the statue of Bran the Builder Crypt.

Inside, I found a veritable wealth of knowledge and gold. My initial count of the gold inside is almost 4 million dragons, not counting the gems, weapons and artifacts. The vault entrance started beneath the crypts and was expanded until it covered the entirety of Winterfell's underground. Almost 2/5 of the vault was full of books, mostly were worthless, but some had the blueprints of Winterfell and the Wall which greatly assisted me in uncovering other magic protected rooms and passages in the castle. I also found a ridiculous amount of Valyrian steel weapons, which greatly reminded me of Damascus steel back on Earth, the method was lost even back on Earth but I was a fucking wizard for fuck's sake and I had a pretty good relationship with Death, thus no knowledge was lost to me. All hail Lord Stark.

I managed to relocate around 50 thousand dragons into a hidden room in Winterfell, claimed to have discovered it, and quickly influenced my uncle to start expanding Winterfell, fix the first keep and the broken tower and lay stones the ground instead of the filthy mud in the courtyard and expand the surrounding farms fivefold. While I could've just revolutionized farming, ship-making and military of the North, I knew nobody would take a 4 year old who, to their knowledge, never read a book before or started his formal education with the Maester. And I sure as hell wasn't going to let my uncle Benjen get all the praise for his improvements of the North. No, the North survived the past 8,000 years on its own it could wait a few years more while I assert my genius status in this world.

So when the maester found me reading in the library at a ridiculous rate and with a little push from me, he convinced my uncle that being able to learn my letters and numbers alone was an incredible achievement and shouldn't be wasted, that's why I just copied his entire knowledge and began flaunting my knowledge hiding it behind an eidetic memory. The maester was thrilled, it seemed that previous Starks weren't particularly intelligent and he recalled some mentions of scholars of the past being able to memorize a page by simply reading it once. I hit him with yet another compulsion, to convince my uncles that I should consider going to the Citadel for a few years just to forge some chains, not unheard of for sons of Nobles.

Making sure the expansion and improvements to my new base was being taken care of, I packed my bags and decided to accept the Maester's 'advice'. And that's why I was at the age four on the way to the so-called Hub of knowledge in Westeros.

284 AC, Winterfell

"Are you sure about this," Said Ned watching the party of Brandon leaving Winterfell.

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