Just My Type

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     You've been giggling and smiling at your phone for an hour and a half, shooing away Kuroo whenever he tried to interrupt, so he started wondering what you were up to. "Heyyy, [Y/N], at least tell me what you're doing!" He whined, slinging an arm around you. You rolled your eyes but answered his question anyway, "Well, i'm playing an otome game...A reverse harem visual novel kind of thing." You added quickly at his confused expression. "So, you're just watching dudes running after a girl?" Kuroo asked, raising his eyebrows. "No,no,no,no. The dudes are running after me-" Kuroo started choking on his spit when he heard that. "E-AGH-excuse me?"

"Are you really jealous of these fictional boys? Aw, kitty, they won't take me away, dummy!" You teased, poking him gently. "Hah, you don't need games like that when you already have a boyfriend!" He leaned in to get a kiss, but you blocked him with a finger, "Yes, I don't need  it, but I want it. You can watch me play if you like." So for the next few minutes you had to endure him saying, "Why's he so nice?""He's rude, leave him.""He seems like a player..Too flirty""HE LOOKS 12!""Wait, stop, don't follow him, he seems fishy--StoOop!"

[Y/N] follows Enjiro out to the school yard. She didn't realize how long they had spent in the club. The moon was lighting the dark yard.

Enjiro: [L/N]-san..

His soft, husky voice sends shivers down her spine.

[Y/N]: Y-yes?

Enjiro: Why do you spend so much time with Akihiko? Do you have feelings for him?

[Y/N]: I-

Enjiro wraps his arms around her, making the girl blush.

[Y/N]: E-Enjiro-kun..Akihiko is my friend..

Enjiro: [L/N]-san. I get weird and mad when you talk to him..Or any other boy, and whenever you're near, I get anxious. Well, more anxious than usual. When you talk to me, I feel butterflies in my stomach and I just wanna look at you forever...and Yuuma explained that I...I might lo-

"I'm kinda hungry, do you have anything to eat?" You pressed the home button and exited the game. Kuroo stared at you with a serious face, sighing you said, "I don't care how much you judge me-" He cut you off, "Enjiro is so cute...You better love him." said Kuroo. "W-wha?" You tilted your head in confusion. "What? You prefer Akihiko? Or is Hansuke more your speed? If it isn't Enjiro you're interested in, i'm taking him, okay? Gimme your phone." Grinning at his sudden change of behavior, you threw him your phone and took his instead to order a pizza. After ordering, you looked at the saved pictures on his phone. There were a bunch of photos of you.. You eating, sleeping, kissing him on the cheek, it brought a smile to your face.

When the pizza arrived, you paid for it and brought it to Kuroo. He was staring at your phone, smiling sheepishly. 'Ah, found the shirtless pictures of him, I see.' you thought. "I'm dating Enjiro now." He said. You giggled. "About time, how long have you known each other? 30 minutes? Man, what a rough ride." He chuckled and continued tapping on your phone, only looking at the pizza when you called for him. "Oh, yeah..Aww, Enjiro bought me flowers!" He placed his hand on his chest. "He is so sweet!" He continued nibbling his pizza and you pouted, mumbling, "I bought you pizza.." A thought just occurred to you. "When are you  gonna introduce him to your team? I bet they'll really like him, since he's so 'sweet and cute'." He 'hmm'-d for a moment and said, "Tomorrow at practice, I want you there to see everyones faces!"

So, like you promised, the next day you went to your boyfriends practice. They were all taking a break, drinking water, and wiping off their sweat. Kuroo announced he had something to say and called you up next to him. "Are you two getting married?" Yaku asked. "No, no—''

"Is [Y/N]-chan pregnant?!" Lev bellowed, which made you blush. "No! What I wanna say is.." He paused, signaling for you to give him your phone. You sighed and did as you were told, unlocking it for him. "I found another person." He finally announced, which earned a gasps and cries of confusion. "Who is this mysterious new-comer?" Yamamoto demanded. "A very, very sweet, cute, and shy one..He made the sweetest confession i've ever heard!He's just my type! So I couldn't say no.." Kenma looked up from his phone for the first time. "He's a he?" He said. All except Kenma fidgeted. "Uhh, yeah, I probably should've mentioned that first..." Kuroo half-laughed. "We didn't know you swing that way, but we support you!" Kai claimed, giving Kuroo a thumbs up. The rest of the team agreed. "Oh, for the love of— His name is Enjiro, he's fictional, from an otome game I played." You put your hand on your hip, pouting. "There's no way this boy-" You gestured toward the bed-headed boy, "could ever dump me!" You smiled proudly. The team laughed at Kuroo's bewildered face and after practice, Yamamoto bought you free food. 

A/N: Hello dear humans! I just wanna say I literally fell in love with Enjiro while writing this. So like,,,,Kuroo, i understand you bro. 

Enjiro: The shy one that opens up his feelings halfway through the game.

Akihiko: The way too nice one that would do anything for you.

Hansuke: The childhood friend who's clumsy and childish.

Yuuma: The responsible one who just wants you to be happy, no matter who you choose. (Aw)

Kazumi: The general bad boy who only shows his tough and mean side, but will warm up to you.

Reiji: The flirty and funny one who gets a bunch of ladies, but only has eyes for one girl.

Takewa: The mysterious one that could only stare at the girl he loves from afar.


oki bye-bye!

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