Rightfully Mine

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  You were painfully excited about the practice with other schools. "When are they getting here? Is Bokuto coming? Karasuno is definitely coming, right?" You annoyed the hell out of Kuroo. "Yeah, yeah, they're all coming." He said. "Damnit, why are they so late?" You said angrily. "Actually, aren't we the ones who are early?" Lev asked. "Well..Yeah, we are."

"Oh, look!" A bus had pulled up in front of the team, and from it, "HEY, HEY, HEY!" It couldn't be mistaken, Fukurodani had arrived. "[Y/N]!!! Kuroo!!!" Bokuto yelled, walking up to you with wide arms. "Bokuto!" You ran past him to talk to Akaashi, confusing the owl looking boy. "She's just excited..Bit annoying, really." Kuroo sighed. "Hey, Tetsu!" A girls voice said behind you. You looked back to see a girl with her medium length blonde hair in a messy bun, talking to Kuroo and Bokuto. "Oh, Shiro! Didn't know you were coming." Kuroo greeted. You walked up to Kenma with a frown. "Oi, Kenma, who is she?" You said, poking the boys arm. "Shiro, she's an old friend of mine and Kuroo's. Always seemed to like him more than me." Kenma said. You scowled at her. "Right.."

"WE'RE....HEEERE!" Hinata screamed while almost breaking the door down with Kageyama . "Heh, so the stars are late. How annoying." Kuroo said, grinning. "Ohh! You must be Hinata! You're sho shmol!" Shiro said, squeezing the orange boy's cheeks. "..And you! Kageyama, right-" She had noticed the 'aura' around him. "...I-Is he usually that scary or..Does he not like me?" She asked Hinata nervously. "He just ugly." Hinata claimed calmly. "OI, HINATA YOU DUMBASS!"

 You realized that Shiro kept walking up to Kuroo a lot and occupying him while you still haven't talked since Fukurodani got here. "Ey, you avoiding me or something?" Kuroo said out of the blue, slinging an arm on your shoulders. "Oh, no, no. A certain person kept giving me her work." You said annoyed. "Heh, the thing is, you're too nice sometimes. Just stuff the work back to her. Besides you're not even a manager, you shouldn't be doing any work." Kuroo said before kissing your cheek. You silently nodded while Shiro walked up to you two. "Hey, Tetsu! And..?" She said. "Ah, [L/N][Y/N]." She nodded happily and took Kuroo's hand in hers, bouncing away with him. "Uh, see you later, [Y/N]!" Kuroo said.

The teams were taking a break and you and Kuroo were gonna eat together. "Hey, Tetsu. I brought mackerel pike!" Shiro came bustling out of the bushes. "Oh, uh, thanks." Kuroo said awkwardly. "Mind if I sit there?" She asked, pointing between you two. "No, of course we don't mind!" You said with the sweetest voice you could muster. She sat in the middle and smiled at the both of you. "[Y/N], do you want gum?" Kuroo offered. "Ye-" Shiro interrupted you. "Yes, please!"

-Time skip, after practice-

You and Yachi ended up sharing a room, but she was taking a long time to eat so you went ahead of her to your room. Throwing your hoodie on, you scrolled through Instagram, liking pictures of food and making yourself hungry until a few knocks were heard from the door. Figuring it was Yachi, you swung the door open, smiling. Kuroo was standing there, looking annoyed but smiled as soon as he saw you. "Hey." he said. "Aw, Tetsu, wanted to drop by to give me some attention? Sorry to break it to ya', honey, you aren't allowed in a girls room." You said, crossing your arms. "That's why you should let me in quickly. Before someone sees." He said, sliding past you without waiting for an answer. "Kay, whatcha' doing here?" You sat beside him. "Bokuto's being emo and wasted 30 minutes in the bathroom without doing anything and I really need a shower." He half laughed. "..Why don't you go in Shiro's shower.." You mumbled, mostly hoping he didn't hear you but kinda hoping he did. "Shiro? Why?" A sudden realization hit him. "..My, my, [Y/N], I've never seen you jealous before!" He tackled you in a hug. "I-I am not!" You retorted. "Just go take your shower..!" Kuroo chuckled and got up. "Could you give me a towel?" He asked. "Why? What happened to yours?" You asked, opening your luggage. "...Bokuto...forgot his..had to..give him mine.." He answered. You laughed and handed him the towel. Right when he was about to go in the bathroom, he said, "You know, you're always welcome to shower with me." Your face turned thirty shades of red. "Hah, just messing around."

"[L/N]-san?" Yachi was knocking on the door. You opened it and asked, "Yacchan, don't you have a key?" She nervously giggled. "No, you have it. Both of them." she said. "Oh my god, I am so sorry!" The girl brushed it off and said it was okay. "[L/N]-san, did you leave the water running?" She asked. "Oh, no! It's..Shiro..She's in the shower. Yurie occupied hers." She thought for a moment, "I thought you didn't like Shiro-san? Because she keeps taking Kuroo-san away from you.." She said, looking down. "E-Eh?!" You yelled. Yachi gasped in horror at that response. "OMIGOD, I'M SO SORRY. I DIDN'T KNOW. GOD, I'M SO STUPID!" She bowed down at your feet. "Yacchan! No, get up! You're right! I don't like her! At all!" The water had stopped running and Yachi looked up at you with wide eyes. "I don't like her, cause of what you just said. Immature, I know, but-"

"I don't think it's immature. Being jealous is a human emotion. Everyone feels it. Of course, not everyone is proud of it, heh.." You smiled at her words. "Yeah..Damn, I really hate admitting things like this." You giggled. "Wait..How did you know we were da-"

"I knew you were jealous." Kuroo came out of nowhere. "EEK! NO SHIRT! KUROO-SAN IN THE ROOM! I'LL LEAVE YOU TWO ALONE!" Yachi bellowed and ran out. He closed the door and pushed you against it, putting his arm above your head. Your cheeks dusted with pink and it took all your willpower to not look at his bare muscles. "You're the only one I have eyes for, [Y/N]. No one can ever replace you." He whispered in your ear. You smiled and hugged him. "Oh? Has someone gained weight?" You said. "Crap, did I?" He replied, looking down at his stomach. You giggled then said, "Haha, just messing around."

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