Distraction (Lime!)

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The room was filled with deafening silence as Kuroo hovered over you with a smirk. You laid on  Kuroo's bed, both of your heartbeats rapid, and your breaths ragged. You could only stare into his eyes while his lingered on your chest.  How did this even happen..? Well,

The day started with just a little teasing.


Kuroo had gotten extremely easy to fluster so you kinda used it to your advantage. 'What? He teases 24/7 so a little payback won't hurt.' you thought. 

"Te~tsu~roo~" You called, running up to him in the school hallway. "Oh, hey [y/n]." Kuroo smiled. You hugged him from behind and made extra sure to rub your chest on his back. His face immediately flushed and you noticed him shift awkwardly, putting his hands in his pockets. "Hmm? You look sick, Tetsu. Are you alright?" You asked while getting in front of him. He nodded, still as red as a tomato. "You sure don't look okay." A dance like routine started where you would walk a step and he would back 2 steps. A little bit of this until he had enough and pinned you to the wall. "I'm horny." He whispered. Now it was your turn to become a tomato. "Y-you WHAT?!" He chuckled and walked away, saying, "Kidding! I'm..uhh..lacking DHA at the moment!" And got out of sight. 'Yeah, right! As if you could EVER lack DHA.'

During lunchtime, you spotted the team at a table and walked over to them. "Lev, you're the most idiotic idiot to ever idiot." Yaku sighed while Lev whined. Yamamoto spotted you and immediately yelled, "[y/nnnnnnn]!!! Our cute little angel is here!" The boys greeted and you sat next to Kuroo. While thinking of ways to fluster him, an opportunity so brutal just rolled into your lap. Lev, being the giant he is, couldn't fit with the rest of the boys. "Aww, come on! I'm your adorable first year! You guys can make a little room for your kohai!" The titan whined. "Sit alone over there, Lev." Kuroo pointed at the floor. "I don't wannaa! How come Kenma-san can sit at the table but I can't? He doesn't talk!"

"Leave Kenma out of this!" Kuroo yelled. "You either sit there alone and sad or stand here sore and sad!" Yaku kicked Lev. Oh, poor Lev. Just as Kai was about to offer his seat to him, you said, "Lev, you can sit here. I'll sit on Tetsuro's lap." And you did just that. His face immediately turned red and the others seemed to understand exactly what was happening in Kuroo's mind. Once again, he shifted awkwardly so you couldn't feel his uhh..Nevermind. "Didn't you guys say you were gonna keep your relationship a secret?" Kai asked. "I changed my mind! I wanna mark what's mine." You responded. Kuroo grinned sheepishly.

While walking home, rain started pouring. "You can dry up at my place since it's closer." Kuroo said. "My plan all along!" You replied, both of you bolted down the street and into the Kuroo household. As soon as you entered, you extended your hand to him and demanded he give you his hoodie. Kuroo smiled and headed to his room to follow your order. You silently stood  at the doorway creating a puddle since you forgot to ask for a towel. Ah, the perfect idea came to mind. The idea to top off all the other ideas. You unbuttoned your shirt, revealing your bra and took a deep breath before entering Kuroo's room. Kuroo's head turned to you. He looked completely unfazed. "Ah! Sorry Tetsuro! I just need a towel.." You muttered as innocently as possible. "Mhm." He hummed before walking up to you and handing you a towel. But just before you grabbed it, he took hold of your arm and pulled you closer to him. "You've had your share of liberty now I have mine.." He whispered and pushed you onto his bed. "You think I didn't realize what you've been doing all day? Rubbing against me, sitting on my lap, talking in such a seductive tone..You're such a tease~" Not letting you utter a word, he got on top of you and kissed you. It was rough but passionate. It felt as if hours passed until you parted for air. "I'm going all out..Unless..you don't want me to..?" Kuroo asked. You were definitely sure of where this was going, but do you want to? Silence filled the room as you thought hard. Coming to an answer, you said, "It's true that I'm scared..but with you I feel like I can do everything.." Kuroo, happy with your response, smiled and gently kissed you once more before moving down to your neck. He gently sucked on it, leaving dark hickeys and making you moan his name. Lifting his head, he smirked at his accomplishments.

Just then a knock was heard, followed by Kenma's voice. "Kuro, coach called us back. Apparently he has an urgent matter to discuss." Kuroo continued to kiss you, while Kenma kept knocking. "Extremely  urgent..Something about Karasuno and Nationals or something. I don't know, just hurry up. You're the captain, aren't you?" It seemed Kenma will absolutely not take no as an answer. Kuroo sighed and got up to open the door. Disappointed, you sat up and tried to listen to their conversation. You couldn't hear anything. Kuroo came back and sighed. "Sorry, kitty. I'm the captain of the team, have to be there." He said, picking out dry clothes for you and himself. "It might  take a little while so you should probably head home. It'll happen soon. Just not now. Bye, kitty~"

A/n: Hha sorry for not updating for a while school started and ive been buried in work lol. And as u can see I absolutely suck dick at writing lemon anyway thank u for 4k reads!!

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