Ch.1 Take Off

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Two years in college and the experience has being amazing so far but at the same time stressful. However, I was now going to study abroad in Japan for 6 months and Im excited to get to know more about the culture. 

I am now at the airport waiting for my group to be called to board the airplane. Two of my best friends, Laura and Luka, are also joining me on this adventure which I believe it will make this experience more enjoyable.

The three of us are majoring in Lingustics with a minor in education. We study the science of language and with this our dream of teaching foreign languages to others will come true.

"Group 6, please make a line to present your passport and boarding ticket. Thank you." The lady in blue uniform said through the intercom.

"Well guys its time". I said to my two friends who were dozing themselves to sleep. Its 5:35 a.m right now and we had to wake up at 2 to get to the airport at 3 and go through security.

"Oh, is it our turn now?" Laura said as she tried to wake up.

"Yes come on you two before the line gets longer", I said to Laura as she grabbed her stuff and hitted her twin Luka in the arm to wake up.

"Come on Luka, wake up!" Laura said

Laura is the mischivious sibling while Luka is more of the introverted and serious type.

When I met Luka through Laura in middle school, he would be shy and not talk at all. However, as time passed by, Luka would be more talkative around me like he was with his sister. I was glad that he finally could trust me and open up to me as well.

Until he confessed his feelings to me, the day of our high school graduation.

I was happy to know that he also had the same feelings that I did for him. However, we both decided not to date yet due to losing focus in school. Things like that happen believe it or not.

Our feelings for each other haven't changed since then, but we dont express our love when we are in public.

"Oh I found our seats", Luka said

Our seats were in the middle of the aircraft cabin. Not the most comfortable seats but thats what we got. We placed our lugagge inside the compartments on the top of our seats and I got help from Luka since my suitcase was kind of heavy.

"I can't believe we are going to Japan!" Laura said excited as she looked through the magazines that were on her seat.

I was in the middle of the two, and my legs were starting to ask for freedom. It was going to be approximately a 13 hour flight from Cali to Tokyo, and I was going to watch movies the entire trip if I could. I wonder if I'll be getting any sleep at all, since I'm in the middle of the two twins.

"Dear, passengers, we will be departing at the moment. Please be seated and follow the safety guide that its being showed on your screens. Thank you" The flight attendant infront of the cabin said as we buckled our seatbelts.

"This is your first time flying isn't it Y/n?" Luka said as he buckled his seatbelt.

"Yeah, Im actually kind of nervous but excited at the same time" I said as I looked into his soft black color eyes.

"You can hold my hand if you want" Luka offered

"No its okay, I can handle it" I kindly rejected him.

The airplane began to move and was positioning itself ready for take off.

The cabin began to shake as we took off into the air and I grabbed Luka's hand to feel at ease. I guess I was nervous.

He smiled at me as he holded my hand and Laura was holding mine as well. She couldn't keep it cool either.

"Ugh I don't like take offs or arrivals", Laura said as she tried to steady her breath.

The airplane was now in the air and Laura was now calmed. We stoped holding hands and unbuckled our seatbelts for better mobility in our seats.

This was going to be an exciting experience and I was ready to live it to my fullest.

To be continued...

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