Ch.2 Arrival

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Around 13 hours later, we finally had arrived at Tokyo's international airport. We went through customs, security and finally grabbed our luggage before boarding the bus that was destined to take us to the college's dorm.

When we arrived at the dorms, Proffesor Yan began to call out the names of the students who would be roomates for the semester.

"The last group is Yuna, Melissa and Laura"

Laura and I were confused as to why I was left out.

"Um... Excuse me professor Yan?" I said

"Yes? Oh right Y/n sorry I forgot that you were the only that was not going to stay at the dorms. Let me ask for a taxi so we can drop you off to your host family"

"Excuse me, what!? Host family?" I was surprised and confused at this because I never signed up for that. Nor remeber if I was introduced with the paperwork.

"Professor, I think there was a mistake, I never signed any paperwork to live with a host family."

"You didnt? But here it says that you did." I grabbed the paper from his hands and saw a list with the names of all the students that were assigned a dorm except for mine. Next to my name it said, Host Family(Midoriya's Residence) and then the address of the house where I was supposed to stay.

I looked up from the paper and saw my teacher talking with one of the woman that worked here explaining to her the situation.

"We are sorry, its seems like the system made a mistake and filled in the information by itslef, we dont know how that happened but we will look into it. However, we dont have other rooms available at the moment for her to stay in." The woman said. Was I bothered by this mistake?

"I'm sorry y/n but I guess you'll have to stay at the Midoriya's residence for now until there is a room available for you. Besides, they are probably waiting for you right now. There's nothing else we can do at the moment." Professor Yan said and he was right, there was nothing else that they or I could do right now.

"I understand" I said and walked towards Laura who was patiently waiting for me with my lugagge.

"Where they able to fix the problem?" Laura stood up from her chair and walked towards me with my lugagge.

"No, apparently there was a mistake in the system and was assigned to live with a host family." I said and grabbed my luggage from her hands.

"What how is that even possible!? What am I going to do without you?" Laura hugged me tight not being able to breathe.

"We still have classes together and we can still hangout, but of course you have curfew and I dont I think."

Professor Yan then walked towards us and said that a Taxi was on its way to drive me to the Midoriya's residence. I was nervous, I practically didnt know who they were or if they were nice people at all. Besides my japanese is not there yet. Do they even speak english?

Random thoughts just began to invade my head until Laura shoo them off.

"Earth to Y/n! Hello!" Laura waved a hand in front of me.

"Uh yeah, whats up?" I looked at Laura who was looking at me worried.

"Girl, you'll be fine. Whatever you are thinking right now dont worry. I bet they are good people and whatever emberrasing thing you might do in the future, I bet you that they wont mind. You are learning their culture and they will learn from yours as well. Besides you might get to speak fluent japanese faster than us. Not saying that its a fact but perhaps you will." Laura said determined with her answer as she already knew what I was thinking.

"You are the best" I said.

"I know", she said.

Minutes later my Taxi arrived and waved goodbye to my friend. Professor Yan was coming with me as well just to make sure I did arrive safe. The drive was quick and when we got there, I could feel butterflies in my stomach once again.

I grabbed my luggage and walked towards the entrance of the house. It looked nice.

Professor Yan rang the doorbell and and in some seconds we were greeted by a small woman cleaning her hands with a towel. She was probably making dinner or cleaning the dishes.

"Oh hello! Oh my you should be Y/n nice to meet you. My name is Inko Midoriya." She bowed and I bowed.

"Nice to meet you too" I said.

"Please come in!"

We went inside the house and I was greeted by a green haired boy whose face and ears were red.

"This is my son Izuku Midoriya. He is a big fan of our #1 hero." Inko said as she pushed her son to the front so he could bow.

"H-hello n-nice to meet y-you!"

"Hi, nice to meet you too!" I smiled as the kid tried his best to speak english.

The language barrier between us was starting to be noticeable but that is why I am here. To learn!

"Well there is just some paperwork Ms. Midoriya has to sign before I leave. " professor Yan said as he began to take out the paperwork and a pen.

Minutes later I was given a tour around the house by Inko and her son. They showed me how the toilet worked and other appliances as well in case I need to use them.

Inko also told me that she will be riding the train with me to school until I figured out the train lanes on my own. She was very nice and also knew English but would make some mistakes here and there which I found very cute. She would also laugh cutely and correct me whenever I made a mistake. I was having fun already the first hours of my stay at their house.

Inko also told me that this was her first time inviting a foreigner to stay at her house and that she basically did it to have her son interact with them to learn English. I thought it was admiring of her.

Night came and we had dinner, then I went to bed to rest. It was going to be Saturday tomorrow and the plan is to go shopping for groceries with the Midoriyas.

I then closed my eyes and fell asleep.

To be continued...

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