Ch.3 Grocery Shopping

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The Midoriyas and I boarded the train to go to a fish market. Inko's son, Deku Midoriya, was trying to make a conversation with me in English and I tried to speak to him in Japanese.

"S-so you like f-fish," he said

"Yeah, I like it," I answered back in Japanese.

 For a Saturday, the train wasn't too crowded. Maybe during the week, it would be.

"Oh, L/n-san this way." Inko guided me so I wouldn't get lost.

We then arrived at the fish market. I have never seen so many types of fish and other sea creatures for sale. Some didn't look appetizing, to be honest. But who knows, maybe once cooked it would taste great. 

"Izuku go with L/n-san and buy me an octopus," Inko said and to my surprise, I was able to understand.

Midoriya and I were now walking toward another stand and Izuku ordered one small octopus.

"Thank you for your purchase!" The vendor said and as we turned around Izuku called out to someone.

"Aizawa-sensei!" I looked at the man that Izuku was calling and Izuku ran to him. Me following behind.

"Midoriya, don't yell my name in public." The man with a scarf and black hair responded back.

"Oh please meet L/n Y/n. She is a student at Tokyo University and she is staying at our house for a semester."  I was trying to catch up with everything he said in Japanese to this Aizawa guy.

"Hello, nice to meet you!" I bowed and the guy did as well replying with a, "nice to meet you too."

His hair was really messy and his eyes were at a whole new level of sleep deprivation. I was also sleepy since I had to wake up early in the morning to catch the train. But one thing for sure was that my dark circles were nothing compared to his.

How old is he anyway?

"Ah, we should get going L/n-san. Aizawa-sensei see you on Monday!" Izuku bowed and I did as well. Then we walked away from the man.

Shopping for groceries was over and when we were back home I was organizing some of the stuff that I still had on my suitcase when my phone began to ring.

It was Laura

"Hello?" I said

"Hey y/n, how are you doing are you free tonight?" Laura asked

"Everything is good so far and yes I am, what are you planning?"

"Well, the whole group is going Karaoke and maybe a couple of bars, what do you think?

"Sure I'm down, unpacking can wait," I said before ending the conversation.

I picked an outfit and changed into it fast so I could tell Inko that I was going out for the night.

After a couple of hours, of fixing my hair and applying some natural makeup I head out to the nearest train station. But I wasn't alone.

Izuku was guiding me to the train station and was my personal bodyguard in case I encounter any villains.

We arrived and I boarded the train going to Shibuya, where I was going to meet the group.

Once the train arrived I exited the station and stopped for a second to admire the beautiful view of the different colorful buildings through a window. I looked down to see how all the people crossed in the famous Shibuya crossing.

All the people looked like little ants and soon I was going to be part of that crowd.

I then continued to walk to our meeting spot which was at the Hashi statue.

I was able to spot Luka first. He was standing next to the statue with Laura posing on the other side of Hachi for a photo.

After the flash illuminated their faces, Luka spotted me and announced to the group that I had arrived. Laura then grabbed my arm and dragged me to take a picture with her and Luka next to the statue.

"Come on y/n smile!" Laura said and I smiled as she hold on to me tight with a peace sign on her left hand. Luka was just standing awkwardly on the other side like in his previous photo.

"Alright, friends! Let's go Karaoke!" Laura screamed and we all went along with excitement as some people stared at us.

We began to walk and I was so excited to cross the famous street. For the first time in my life, I was going to do it and so we did.

The buildings were so high compared to what I saw in photos, but I couldn't look at them for so long since the street became even more crowded.

"Guys don't get lost!" Yelled Laura who was trying to keep the group together.

I bumped into some people, trying to apologize but they didn't care they just kept walking.

But now I was lost and ended up on the opposite side of the street from where my group was.

I took my phone out as it began to ring nonstop.

It was Laura.

"Girl, don't worry we'll wait for you. Luka will be your hero and get you halfway so you don't get lost again."

"I'm sorry, I kept bumping into people and got distracted," I said as the traffic light again turned red and it was time for pedestrians to walk.

This time I was not going to get distracted and just look forward. 

I began to walk and when I got halfway I felt my hand being grabbed by Luka.

"Come on let's go we only have 5 seconds left." He said.

Everyone walked even faster until there was no one left on the street.

I had made it to the other side.

"Okay, y/n is here!" Laura said and everyone began to clap.

We then began to walk once again as we looked around for the Karaoke place.

After so many turns around the streets, we finally found the place. We went inside and we were greeted by the staff who then directed us to our reserved room.

We sang to our heart's content and some were getting drunk. I decided not to since I didn't want to arrive at Inko's house drunk.

Once our 3 hours of Karaoke were done we decided to go clubbing but I told them I had to go back to the Midoriya's house. I didn't want to be rude by waking them up too late in the night.

The group was very considerate and agreed.

"Alright y/n, but at least let Luka take you to the train station that way you don't get picked up by perverts," Laura said a little bit drunk as she pushed her twin brother towards me almost making contact with his chest.

"Alright, I'll see you all on Monday!" Those who were still sober waved back and those who weren't were struggling to keep themselves standing.

"Shall we go?" Luka asked and I agreed.

To be continued...

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