Ch.4. Running an Errand

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Luka and I arrived at the station and waited for the train.

"Luka, you can go now. I'll be fine.", I said holding the strap of my bag.

"I'm actually going back to the dorms. You know I don't like loud places."

That was right, Luka was more of an introvert, and knowing him he would rather spend his weekend at home than go clubbing with Laura.

"Then why did you came?" I asked, already knowing the answer but I still asked to tease him.

"W-well b-because you know", he couldn't really say it, he was still the same shy Luka.

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you," I said playfully as I looked at him in the eyes hearing our train coming from the distance. His face was turning red and he looked so cute as he tried to cover his face with his arm.

"I came because you were coming." He said just in time before the train could cut his words and leave me without an answer.

"I knew it, well this is my train. I'll see you on Monday. Bye Luka!" I waved at him before boarding the train. Once inside I was able to spot an open sit and take it before anyone else with my back facing the window. I looked at Luka one last time and waved at him through the other side of the window. He waved back smiling and blushing a little.

Then, the doors closed. Not letting other humans step inside the train. It was now in motion to its next destination. Leaving Luka to wait patiently for the next train that would take him to the dorms. While I was going home.

---------Next Morning--------

"Good morning y/n! Would you mind going to the market for me and buy some eggs and milk? Izuku hasn't woken up yet, because he has been playing a new video game about Almight all night."

"Yes it's fine, I'll go right now!"

Inko gave me the list with the specific details of each product she wanted me to buy. I then walked towards the entrance door and changed my shoes. Then, I grabbed my wallet and opened the door to feel the warmth of the sun in my face and the soft morning breeze blowing my hair gently.

"Ittekimasu!" I said as I opened the door to the house with Inko responding back with, "Itterashai."

The market wasn't very far but I couldn't take my sweet time to get there because Inko was going to prepare breakfast.

I arrived at the store and was welcomed nicely by the staff. I walked through different aisles to find milk and eggs. To no avail, I couldn't find them. The market was too big, that it had a second floor.

' It may be upstairs ' I thought but as I began to walk I notice a familiar face in the pet aisle.

"Oh, hi! Aizawa, correct?" I approached the man that I was introduced to by Izuku yesterday at the fish market.

He was in some baggy black clothes with a messy man bun that showed more of his jawline. It seemed like he was going to buy cat food. My best guess was that he has a cat or probably wants to feed some street cats.

"Yes, that's me. How may I help you?", he tried his best to respond in English although I spoke to him in Japanese.

"Ah! You probably forgot about me, but we met yesterday at the fish market. Your student, Izuku Midoriya was the one who introduced us."

That was tough to say, but he did understand because he clearly said, "Oh right, L/n y/n, correct?"

"Yes! That's me. Actually, I do need some help. I can't find the eggs and milk. Do you perhaps know where they are?"

"Unfortunately, I don't. I've never come to this store. I just happened to be around the area to buy some cat food for a street cat."

Aah, so my second guess was right.

" But I can still help you find it," he said grabbing one more can of cat food before we proceeded to find the eggs and milk.

It only took us 3 minutes to find it and I was so dumb to not notice the big fridges.

"Thank you, I don't know how I was not able to find them." I grabbed a dozen eggs and checked them to see if none of them were cracked and milk that Inko also instructed me to buy.

"I can help you pay. I believe this is your first time using a check out machine here in Japan." He said as we walked through the soup aisle until we finally got to the checkout station. We formed into the line and waited our turn.

We were in awkward silence for a while until he decided to start the conversation.

"So how is your stay in Japan so far?" Aizawa asked holding his two cans of cat food and looking at the person paying in front of us.

"Oh, well so far it's amazing! I went to Shibuya and Karaoke yesterday for the first time. Ms. Midoriya and his son are very wonderful people. They do know how to make me feel like part of their family. And I also met you, you've been really kind to me. I appreciate that, thank you!"

He looked at me not taken back by what I just said and just nod his head.

It was now our turn to pay. Aizawa showed me how to use the machine and explained to me the currency. He was of great help. When I finished paying I decided to wait for him just to see the process once again so it could stick into my memory next time I come to buy more groceries.

He finished paying and we both walked towards the exit of the store.

"Thank you for helping me today! I will like to-"

"No problem" He cut me off before suggesting to repay him with coffee or something but he just said that and left in the opposite direction of where I was heading.

I arrived home and Izuku was already awake sitting on the sofa watching TV.

I gave Inko the eggs and milk and she quickly turns to the kitchen to begin cooking.

"Thank you y/n, how was the trip to the supermarket?" She said as she cracked the first egg into a bowl.

"It was fun, at first I couldn't find the eggs and milk but Izuku's sensei was there at the store too and helped me out. He also taught me how to use the check out machine." I said gaining stares from both mother and son.

"Aizawa-sensei was there!?" Izuku exclaimed not believing it waiting for me to elaborate more.

I told them what happened detail after detail gaining nods from both.

Inko was done with breakfast and we all sat at the table ready to eat.

"Itadakimasu!" We said together and began to stuff our mouths with delicious omelet rice.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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