The Sweet Smell Of Victory

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Money In The Bank had arrived and Matt was laser focused on what was at stake tonight. Should he and Braun become tag champions in the ladder match, then Shane McMahon would be fired from WWE. And backstage, he and Braun were going through some last minute preparations.

Matt: Here goes... Our chance to rid Shane from WWE once and for all.

Braun: Yeah, it's not often you get the chance to end someone's career. Where's Leah and Amy tonight, anyway?

Matt: Well, since she got pregnant, Leah's not been feeling 100% so I told her to take it easy and look after Amy. Not gonna lie, it feels odd not having the two around.

Braun: Relax, they'll be okay. And you just wait till after tonight, then you can leave here a champion and show off the belt to them.

Matt: True...

Just then there was a knock at the door. It was a stagehand, who had a message and a cameraman waiting behind him.

Stagehand: Hey, Matt. I was told to give this to you, it popped up in Hunter's mail by mistake.

Matt: Oh, okay. Thanks, man.

He cautiously opened the note which said:

You and Leah may be a thing now, but rest assured, by the night is out, you two will go from A thing to NO-thing. Want a clue to who I am?

Watch the women's Money In The Bank match.


Braun: Well, that isn't weird at all.

Matt: Someone in the women's division wants my attention. The question is... who?

As the cameras cut, the two thought about who could the note be from.

Braun: Well, let's think about this. In the women's MITB match, we've got Sasha, Nattie and Nikki...

Matt: Allof whom are married already...

Braun: Lana...

Matt: No way.

Braun: Shayna, Sarah...

Matt: Neither of them are my type...

Braun: Then that just leaves Naomi and Mandy.

Matt: It must be Mandy.

Braun: You could be right... But right now, it can wait. We're up second and the pre-show is nearly done.

Matt: Shoot, yeah!

After Gallows and Anderson knocked off the Viking Raiders to face the Raw Tag Team Champions of Rey Mysterio and Humberto Carillo on Raw the next night, the PPV was now underway, and with Bayley successfully defending her title against Naomi and Lacey, it was now time for the career defining match. Braun and Matt went out first to a decent pop, especially when Matt lifted his hood from his bodywarmer. While the two headed to the ring, both Leah and Amy were watching from home, both dressed in their dressing gowns, with Amy cuddling up to her mum, as she called Leah now.

Leah: You excited to watch Dad win tonight?

Amy: Yeah, Daddy and big strong man will win!

Leah just stifled a laugh as to what Amy called Braun. The two watched as Shane and Elias made their entrance, the latter with his trademark guitar in hand. But Braun and Matt wouldn't wait, as the two went charging at Shane and Elias with a ladder, and the champs were sent tumbling. Braun then threw Shane in the ring, and left him at Matt's feet. He unleashed on the so called Best In The World with everything he had, including a sunset flip powerbomb onto a ladder. Meanwhile, Braun kept Elias out of the picture by placing him in between the rungs of another ladder, basically trapping him. This then left Shane on his own to save his career.

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