Making The Decision

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After another few weeks, it was now March the 7th, and not only had Matt recovered well from his injuries, but it was now getting close to Leah's due date, and both he and Amy had been taking extra special care of her, basically tending to her needs as she was finding it more and more difficult to get around. Matt was making breakfast with Pancake hopping up to sit on the counter with him.

Pancake: Arf! 

Matt: Hey, little guy! How's your mummy?

The pup barked, while Matt stroked his little fur baby before finishing up the French toast with a berry compote for the girls.

Matt: Reckon Leah and Ames will like this?

Pancake: Arf! Arf!

As Matt got everything all set, he took the tray into the bedroom, where both Leah and Amy were still sleeping as Amy had a nightmare through the night and could only get back to sleep with the comfort of her parents at her side. As Pancake jumped onto the bed, Matt decided to have a little fun and get a loud air horn he'd save for pranks. He got some headphones on, and braced himself as he then pressed the horn, causing Leah and Amy to shoot up from their slumber.

Leah: Oh, what the hell, Matt? I was asleep!

Amy: You woke us up, Daddy!

Matt: What? Hang on...

He then took the headphones off so he could hear the girls complaining to him.

Matt: Well, I did think about Pancake barking you up, but I thought instead that I'd have a bit of fun!

Leah: Oh, mark my words, we will get our revenge!

She then got a whiff of the French toast and saw it, along with the berry compote and immediately, Matt gave her his forgiving look.

Leah: Maybe not right now, since that breakfast does look delicious, but soon... me and Ames will get our revenge! 

Amy: Yeah, Daddy! We'll get you back!

Matt: I'll look forward to it! 

As he looked on and saw the girls happily eating their breakfast in bed, he then got a text from Hunter.

Hunter: Hey, Matt, hope everything's okay with you and Leah, especially with her being quite late into her pregnancy now. But I'm actually texting you to offer you a little proposition. You see, you may have heard about the fatal 4-way match for the Universal Title at Wrestlemania between Roman, Daniel, Braun and the mystery wrestler. And I want that to be you. You don't have to accept, but if you do, there will be a very high chance you will claim the title as Roman and Braun will be taking some time off after Mania, and Daniel will be going to Raw. It's up to you. Give me a call when you make your decision.

Matt had a thorough look at the offer Hunter had proposed. He looked back at the girls, and knew he had a bit of time to think about it. But in the meantime, he was then snapped out of his thoughts, by a sudden scream of pain from behind him.

Leah: Argh! Oh God!

Amy jumped off the covers and hugged her dad's leg, while he lifted up the duvet to see if Leah's water had broken. 

Matt: Nothing yet, but it seems like today might be the day.

Leah: You mean, the baby could come early?

Matt: It's possible. You sure this isn't you getting your revenge on me already?

Leah stumbled out of bed and gripped the edge of it tightly as she began taking deep breaths.

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