Mini Extra: (Y/n) and Chuuya

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[A/n: This is not connected to the story. This is just for fun.]

"Hey (y/n)~!" Sang Dazai, "Can I see you in here for a second~?"

(Y/n) sighed and went into the small room. "What do you want now?" Muttered (y/n).

Dazai pushed her into the small room and slammed the door shut. She quickly turned around, pounding on the locked door. "Why'd you lock me in here?!" She yelled.

"Have fun in there~!" Sang Dazai again.

(Y/n) turned around and saw the fedora freak, Chuuya in front of her. "You again?!" Yelled (y/n).

"Just be glad that I think you make more sense than Dazai!" Said Chuuya.

"Argh! I'll murder you! Why did Dazai leave me here with you?!" Yelled (y/n).

She ran back to the door and yelled, "Dazai! Let me out! I'll kill you if you don't!"

"I'll give you an ice cream if you stay in there~!" Called Dazai.

(Y/n)'s eyes lit up. "Ice cream?!" She blurted out.

"You're one of those I see?" Asked Chuuya from a distance, "Maybe you are on some level like Dazai."

"What's that supposed to mean?!" She yelled.

"He's a suicidal maniac, but you must be an ice cream maniac!"

"Agh!" Grunted (y/n), "You make me so angry! Why did he leave me in here?!"

"You'll both become good friends!" Called Dazai from the other side of the door, "Just be in there for ten minutes without escaping, and I'll give you your ice cream!"

"You want me to be friends with this short stack?!" Yelled (y/n).

"Short?! I'm not short!"

"You're literally twenty centimeters shorter than Dazai, so you're kinda short!"

"You'll kill me?! I'll kill you first you ice cream loving b**ch!"

(Y/n) charged towards Chuuya and tackled him to the ground. "Is that all you got (y/n)?" Grunted Chuuya. "For the tainted sorrow!"

In that moment, (y/n) started floating in the air! "Ah! What is this?! Is this your ability?!" Gasped (y/n).

"Yep! I can manipulate gravity so I can push you away with my ability!" Said Chuuya proudly.

"At this rate, this guy is unstoppable!" Thought (y/n). "Maybe I can use Balance of Heaven and Hell on him to let me go!"

Her eyes went completely black and she shouted, "Balance of Heaven and Hell!"

"What the-?!"

She formed a ball of black in her hand and it went flying towards Chuuya. He dropped her and the ball of glow consumed him. "What is this?!" Yelled Chuuya, slowly losing his strength.

"(Y/n), what are you doing in there?!" Yelled Dazai from the other side of the door, "You're supposed to communicate with him, not kill him!"

From the ball of glow, Chuuya quickly used corruption. "You won't be standing for long!" Yelled Chuuya from the inside.

A red glow began to seep from the black ball of energy. "Huh?!" Gasped (y/n).

Chuuya burst out of the glowing ball! "Hahahahaha!" Laughed Chuuya maniacally, "You're dead now!"

He began to throw balls of his corruption power at (y/n). "An ability that Balance of Heaven and Hell can't even handle?!" Gasped (y/n), "Bring it on pipsqueak!"

She formed another ball of glow and started firing aimlessly at Chuuya. Chuuya evaded the blasts, leaving (y/n) in shock. She ran towards him and grabbed his wrists to stop him. Two balls of corruption leaked out of Chuuya's hands, both balls turning into one huge ball once connected. A black ball emerged from (y/n)'s hand as well, also getting bigger. The two balls of their abilities pressed against each other, threatening to burst at any second. (Y/n)'s blackened eyes looked into Chuuya's whitened eyes as they were going deeper into insanity. Chuuya started laughing maniacally again, and (y/n) also started to give in. "You're dead pipsqueak!" Laughed (y/n).

"Not if you go first!" Laughed Chuuya, now insanely.

"You've both done enough." Said Dazai, putting both hands on one of their shoulders.

In an instant, Chuuya and (y/n) were back to normal. "What just happened?" Asked (y/n) confusidly.

Chuuya snapped back and said angrily, "Why'd you interfere Dazai?! I almost creamed this b**ch!"

"You both almost blew up this place. You were supposed to communicate, not kill each other!" Said Dazai.

"Well, we communicated through our fight!" Said (y/n).

"Remember Dazai," huffed Chuuya, "if I'm stuck in a room with someone that's related to you, they'll probably die. Then you will."

"Do I get cream...?" Asked (y/n), collapsing to the ground.

She was out like a light. Chuuya also collapsed from exhaustion. Dazai smiled at the two sleeping peacefully. "They may kill each other now, but maybe they'll warm up to each other." Said Dazai. that'll ever happen.

[A/n: I'm considering a book of BSD one shots. Anyone want that?]

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