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Munchingbrotato POV

After he said hi he left and I freaked out
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed.

Ian suddenly leaped and I ducked causing him to hit a wall. I ran down the Hall with the camera still in my hand.

I looked around to see the power button. Quentin of course was at the fountain staring at fish.

I frowned and walked to the power button. Quentin looked back and I ran.
I turned on the power when something cold and metal grabbed my arm.

"Please l-leave a l-l-like c-c-c-comment banana banana banana" I heard I turned around to see Ty.

I squealed and pulled out a stun gun. I shot Ty and he shorted out but he won't stay down for long.

"Hello?" Said a voice, I looked around and noticed a boy about the age of 16 near the fountain.

I waved my arms and he ran towards me. "What are you doing here kid" I asked him.

"I got locked in here" he said. "Well do you have a family" I said.

He shook his head and sighed. I frowned again and he followed me to my office.

By now Ian had left and a dent was in the wall.

The kid screamed as he saw and animatronic at the door.

I turned the light on and saw Mitch Adam and Jason there. I sighed and and Adam and Jason left. I looked at the window to see Mitch still there sitting on the ground.

I looked at the clock to see it was 6 am. I smiled and ran outside with the kid to my car.

I got in my car an so did he. "Hey kid what's your name anyway" I said. "My names Mitch" he said.

His checkered jacket reminded me of one of the animatronics. "I asked the manager if I could have a night off but still Watch them with the camera and he said yes" I said and held up the camera.

Mitch smiled and we drove off.

Five nights at team craftedWhere stories live. Discover now