A day at the park

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Munchingbrotato POV

I walked in with Kyle and looked around. "So what do you want to do first" I said.

"We could see the animatronics first so we know them" said Kyle. I nodded and looked at the map.

Right now were at sky hub were one of them is here. There was a paper on the back of the map that said the show times.

"The next show is in one minute" I said and I sat down well Kyle bought some chips.

The curtains started going up and I saw the animatronic. "H-hey k-k-kids 'help me' wanna have s-some fun?"

I was a little freaked out and we started to leave. The next closest animatronic was seto and he wasn't out of order anymore so they probably fixed his voice box.

I waited with Kyle in line for five minutes and we finally got on the ride. I put on some 3D glasses they gave us.

Kyle picked up a robot hand that you slip on. I did the same and we saw a bunch of mobs like creepers and skeletons heading towards us.

"Quick shoot 'me' them" said seto. When we shot all of them a large dragon came out a we attacked it.

After that we got a message from seto "he kids thanks for helping time to go back to your own t-time now" said seto.

We got off the ride and looked at the map. Jerome's place was next but it was closed so we went to the next one.

Jason stood at the entrance of his ride saying stuff like what little kids know about space he even said the moon is made out of cheese.

I got on the ride with Kyle and we started going up. The drop was really big and the ride was too but by the time we realized how cool that was the ride was already over.

We went to Ty's funhouse but didn't really stay because we had to leave.

I walked back and saw that the whole house had pictures of the kids I saw on the camera.

Why was this kid so interested in these kids?

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