6 The death and end of tyler part 1

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Munching brotato POV

I watched the animatronics walk around the park.

Jerome barely moved but if he would move he would write 'it's me' on the window in blood which scared me a little.

I looked at the camera and saw the poster of Mitch had its face ripped off and was looking at the camera.

I put down the camera and saw a robot that laid motionless on the ground. He wore a green shirt and had no face.

I recognized it as one of the animatronics they were gonna replace Jerome with. It was sub.

I walked up to sub. I remembered him before he was shut down even though I was only a little kid I still knew he was one of my favorite.

But I thought he was destroyed but he was perfectly fine. He grabbed my hand and I panicked. He placed something rubber in my hand and I stopped panicking.

It was a balloon dog. I smiled and looked at him but he was gone with no clue or trace of where he could be.

I smiled remember seeing all the good times I've had here. Except the bite of 87.....


I drank a soda and watched a little boy walk closer to Jerome then anyone usually would.

The guard told the little kid not to play with Jerome but he didn't listen. My mom carried me out of that part of the area because I knew what would happen next.

I heard tons of screams like 'oh my god Jerome you piece of hell!'. I sighed 'but Jerome wasn't that bad.....' I said as we walked to Ty's fun house.

(End flashback)

I went back to reality to see Jerome running down running down the hall.

I quickly closed the door and he threw his diamond axe that made it threw and almost hit me.

I took his axe as self defense. Jerome left and I reopened the door. I looked at the cameras 'oh god where's Mitch' I said but quickly put the camera down and closed the door.

Mitch looked through the window with an insane look. I sighed 'I wish you guys were still under control' I said.

The clock turned to six am and I went out side to see mr. avalanche (the manager) with a pink slip in his hand and a pay check.

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