The T word

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Callum could finally relax. Well for now he could. Everything was good In the world for humans,dragons,elfs, himself and of course Rayla. But out of everything nothing had weighed on him more than his secret. Of course Amaya, his once alive parents and everyone in the castle knew but they never spoke of it. You see callum wasn't always in the right body.

But his body now was good, no Great enough for him for now. You see callum is trans. He just knew from a young age but almost no one believed him, but that's  for author time. His crisis now was telling them. His new friends and family. The reason? Soon he was going to get top surgery. 

He was finally of age and was allowed but still he had to tell them, besides.... It was only a week away.

Janai was throwing a lovely party for the new found peace between elfs and humans. Not only that but the border had been reopened for humans once more. Callum would tell his secret there.

Soon enough the day of the party came and everyone was filled of joy! Rayla put on a forest like dress with a gradient green to purple. Callum wore a black and white pantsuit. He loved it and so did she. At the party everyone danced and maybe drank.(don't tell rayla's dad's 😳) Soon rayla watched as Amaya pinned Janai in the hall against the wall. Rayla blushed like ketchup and quickly walked away, warning others.
A tap on her shoulder gained her attaction. "H-hey rayla, um can we go outside there's something I need to tell you." She nodded, they soon got outside in the moonlight and sat down on a bench.

"R-rayla there's something i have been meaning to tell you..." Callums heart beat full of fear.

"Well what do you nee to tell me callum?" Rayla sat down on the warm stone in the light of the sunset. Her heart was full of fear as well. Was he breaking up with her? No.........but maybe?

Callum sat down beside her looking ahead. His brown gloved hands gripped the stone. "Callum you know you can tel me anything, we're partners after all." She rested her hand on his shoulder giving him a small squeeze with a glowing smile.

"I know rayla, its just...." He paused. "Its just I should've told you this sooner and It may affect our relationship...I just..... I'm scared." His eyes met hers locking on. 

"Callum please, you know nothing could ever change our relationship nor the way I think about ya." Rayla reached out and rubbed his cheek softly. Callum looked down for a moment hesitating. He took raylas hand off and set it in her lap. His emerald eyes met hers.

"Rayla I'm trans."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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