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(Quick Saihara POV)

Why is Kokichi coming from Himiko's room? Probably made her feel like Angie and Tenko's deaths were her fault, I sprint to catch up to Kokichi," Hey I saw you coming from Himiko's room, what were you doing in there?" I watch Kokichi'a face turn slightly red," Not your problem Saihara-Chan!" He skips down the hall like a little girl. I hear a door close and turn my head to see Himiko emerge, I wait for her," Hey, was Kokichi bothering you by chance? I saw him come out of your ro—" She stops me," Wh-what! No! H-he wasn't bothering me at a-all!" Her face was slightly red, just like Kokichi— Wait. Is Himiko? Is Kokichi? No..He knows I have a crush on him. Why would he? I can't think of this right now, I have a class trial..

After the Class Trial

(Kokichi Ouma POV)

Korekiyo Shinguji (I kinda forget how to spell it.) ..You deserved everything that came to you. You hurt Himiko! I can't show my anger now. He's gone and Himiko's still here. I observe my surroundings to make sure nobody is around, I don't see anyone, but I feel something. Someone is watching me. Instead of stopping at Himiko's room like I should have, I continue walking, I turn a sharp corner and hide in a closet, I crack open the door, to see who is following me. I wait until I hear the steps getting closer, as soon as I hear them at the door I leap out and grab the person by the neck of their shirt. They're pretty tall. I look up to see.."Saihara-Chan?!"

Why is Shuichi following me? I thought he was just that weird emo kid. Maybe there's more to him then I thought. I let go of his shirt, his face is pretty red," Why were you following me?" He looked..embarrassed. "W-well, I-I.." His face was getting redder by the minute," Well? Answer me?" He looked down," Well, when I saw you coming from Himiko's room earlier I thought maybe you were bothering her and after the trial you were going to go rub it in her face more.."

"Hahaha! Good one Saihara Chan! Haha!" He looked, very confused, I sigh and make my face serious again," You can't lie to a liar Saihara-Chan." His face got bright red," Huh?! I-I'm not lying!" When will he learn," Shuichi, your voice just got noticeably higher. When most people lie their voices get higher, so Shuichi, why were you really following me?" His face, it's utterly priceless. It looks like he just got caught stealing! Or lying. Shuichi looked down,"I uhm..I think I hear someone calling me..Yes M-Maki?" He runs off in the opposite direction. I knew he was lying.

I walk to Himiko's room. I knock. I hear a muffled voice," W-who is it.." I sigh," It's Kokichi?" She waits a minute. "Come in, its open." I walk in and close the door behind me, I lock it too. I look around but I don't see her, I continue walking until I reach her bathroom. I see a light on. Do I just walk in? I hear the sink running so she's probably just washing her face or brushing her teeth, heh. The door is cracked slightly, I peer in. I probably looked like a huge perv, just peering into a girl's bathroom.

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