Some New Friends

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"Wake up  y/n some people do need to go to work ya know." 

You groaned as you rolled over, the morning sun, peeking through the window blinding your vision. Digging your head back into the pillow, you reached over to your bedside table for your phone, one eye slowly opening to revile the number 7.00 written across the screen.  To early... 5 more minutes. 

" Y/N GET UP! NOW!" 

Another groan left your mouth as you pushed the covers off you, forcing yourself to get out your nice warm bed. The wooden floor boards felt cold beneath your feet and it sent shivers down your spine. It was late spring however, the nights still left a cold chill to the morning air. 


"I'M COMING" You yelled back, growing more annoyed with Jack's impatiences. You were quick to throw on your jeans and tank top, before reaching for your hoodie and sneakers and heading downstairs.


"There you are y/n come on kiddo we have to get going I'm late for work."

"Butttt Jack I'm hungry" You pouted.

"If you got up in time you could of have breakfast"

Your eyes fell to your stomach as a low grumble sounded through the room. " Seee my stomach agrees." 

"We'll get food on the way... We can stop at Joe's..."

"Well why didn't you say soo... come on Jack hurry up, lets go." You loved going to Joe's cafe, as soon as you stepped foot on the street your sense were filled with freshly baked bread and cinnamon rolls. 

"I'll get the car started, you've got 5 minutes, to get what you want and your butt over the road ... got it?"

"Got it"

You were quick to grab the freshly baked goods and the sent of maple filling your nose as you wondered over to Jack, just waiting to sink your teeth into the delicious breakfast. 

"Ok lets go" You spoke sliding into the front seat of the taxi and getting comfy for the day ahead. Jack had been a taxi driver for 5 years now and you loved every minute of it, you never got to travel much but working with Jack allowed you the chance to see the world around you even if it was just from the car and you got to meet some amazing people along the way. You got lost in thought as you tucked into your pecan maple pastry, think about were you would end up today, however your thoughts were quick to snap back to reality as the door of the car slammed shut.


"Just stay in the car y/n"

You watched as Jack walked over to the van that had parked in front of the taxi, it looked much like something you would see in the movies if a car chase was about to start. The van was jet black and with dark tinted out windows and the men that stepped out of it wore black suits that seemed to match the van. You couldn't make out what they were saying but you could tell an argument had broke out and it was not getting rather head. You slightly jumped as Jack swung one of them onto the bonnet of the taxi, lifting his hand threatening to injure the man even more. Before releasing him and jumping back into the seat next to you.

You shrugged the events that had just happened away, you knew Jack was having some problems with some guys, you weren't sure over what but you wasn't worried you knew Jack could handle himself. You pushed yourself back into the car trying to get comfy for the day ahead, your eyes trailing to the window, watching the world flash before you. That's when you saw it the slight tint of blonde, in the seat behind you.

"What the?" You whispered, turning in your chair to get a better view of the seat behind you. "JACK" You shouted causing Jack to nearly jump out of his skin. 

"Don't shout like that when I'm driving"

"But Jack..."

"Not Buts"

"Jack just look" You said pointing to the back seats.

"What" Jack spoke now annoyed, slamming on his breaks and turning to look in the back seat.

There in front of you sat a boy and girl, that looked to be around the same age as you, both with bleach blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. You could tell straight away that they were twins, not identical but definitely twins. However out of the two of them the one that seemed to catch your attention the most was the boy. His blonde hair slightly messy as if he hadn't quite brushed it out when he got up this morning, his jaw slightly clenched as he wore a slightly pout on his face.

"Where did you come from?" Jack asked just as surprised as you was as to how they had suddenly appeared in the car with no sound at all.

"Outside" the boy had answered. I couldn't help but give a little laugh at his answer, which only earned a glare from Jack. 

 " Yeah i figured that part out on my own. How did you get in the car?" 

"Through the portal" the girl replied with a confused look on her face. Again you couldn't help but give a little laugh "that's a door" you corrected her. Are they from a different planet or something? Again Jack gave me a little glare. 

"I'm Seth this is my sister Sara. We require your transportation service maidenly." the boy cut in ignoring you.

"Well i require..." Sara cut into what jack was saying with "Cogency Transaction" You watched as the boy, Seth was it? Pulled out a pile of cash, it must of been thousands neatly wrapped up in his hand. "Will this do?"

"Whoo did you rob a bank?"  you asked in shock. 

" Is this expect-able Jack Bruno" Sara asked.

"How did you know my name" Jack asked getting more and more confused by the second. Sara pointed to his drives license on the dashboard. 

"It is urgent you hurry up we must get to are destination without delay" Seth quickly spoke up staring daggers into the back of Jack's head. 

"Alright, Alright, I'm going! Where to?" Jack asked starting the car up once again, waiting for the address. 

"We must travel in that direction "Sara replied pointing forward. 

"I think he needs something a little more pacific than that way" You answered.

"We must locate latitude 40.54 by longitude..." Seth replied. 

"Whoo ok we'll stick with that way" You stopped him before he could say anymore, knowing it would just be easier to get the directions as you went.

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