The Little Town

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As we pulled into a garage in a town not too far away Jack jumped out the car calling out "Hello anyone here" Followed by Sara and me last with Seth helping me out the cab. "Were closed" we heard a voice say from behind a desk in the corner of the room. "Yeah i know your closed but we have experienced a little bit of car trouble and i was wondering..." Jack started to explain. The old sleepy man cut in "Yeah but were still closed. So you can experience your car trouble when we are open" "Jack Bruno the only thing that will convince Eddie Curtis to re-open for business would be a significant amount of money" Sara quickly added. "Hey wait a minute do i know you" Eddie asked. "No, you don't know them from anywhere" I quickly answered before anyone else could say anything. "I'll pay double your rate" Jack said holding up the money and changing the subject. "No triple" Eddie asked not wanting to start working again. "Done" Jack quickly said leaving Eddie shocked. "What did you get in a fight with an rhinoceros, poor rhino" Eddie said giving out a small chuckle. Jack played along giving out a fake laugh. Sara and Seth looked confused at each other then tried to fake laugh. Failing to laugh i shook my head at them which made them stop straight away. "You got one hour" Jack said before walking out.

Jack walked up the high straight looking for a place where we could eat. I looked at my stomach rubbing it as it rumbled remembering i hadn't had anything to eat all day and i was now starving after our little adventure. Seth looked at me placing his hand on my stomach "is everything ok?" he ask in worried voice. "I'm fine just a little hungry that's all" He smiled taking his hand off my stomach and placing it around my waist. As we walked we noticed a little cafe called Rays and decide to go get something to eat from there.

As we walked in Seth moved his hand from my waist into my hand, holding on not wanting to lose me in the big crowd of people. You could tell this was the town's favourite place to go eat there was people everywhere singing and dancing. Jack quickly pushed us over to a table. I sat next to Seth and Sara next to Jack. As i looked around i could see a table of boys whistling at me. But i took no notice and looked at Jack who was looking at the back exit. "I hope you do not act upon your thought of making a quick escape out of the back door never to look back at us again." Sara asked. "How do you know what he was thinking?" i asked Sara. Getting a reply from Seth saying "My sister has the ability to read the minds of the those closest to her." What has she been reading my mind of what i thought of Seth. Had she seen what i seen when i kept replaying that kiss in my head. I looked across to Sara who smiled at me, giving a little nod to answer my question. "You can tell your sister it is very rude to read people's minds" Jack said to Seth turning to Sara "don't do it" I couldn't help but laugh, Jack giving me yet another glare.

"Hello guys my name is Tina and i will be your server." A nice blonde lady said bring over glasses of water for us. Seth looked at her giving her a slight glare. I squeezed his hand and as he looked at me i shook my head saying no. "Wow look at you guys." Tina continued. "Umm what do you mean look at them... Umm they just look like normal...Umm people." "Well it just looks like they rolled around in the pig pen, before dinner that's all. Now why don't you come with me and we'll get you all cleaned up." Sara and Seth looked at Jack for a reassuring getting pulled away from the table by me. Tina lead us through the crowds pointing to a door "Men's on the left and ladies on the right" Tina said before leaving back to the kitchen. I started to walk into the ladies when i felt a pulling at my hand. "I promise I'll be right here when you finished cleaning up" Seth said with a smile looking me straight in the eyes. I look down to our hands still wrapped around each other. I gave a slight giggle making Seth smile more. I let go and walked into the ladies noticing Sara had already started to clean herself up.

"He likes you y/n, I mean really likes you he thinks your his Xanadu." Sara said as i walked in.


"Soul mate is what i think you call it here on earth."

"Soul mate! "

"Yes, are brain is move advance so when we meet our soulmate, we know straight away. That's the feelings you've had for him. Your brain just doesn't realise yet"

"Are you saying I'm stupid?"

"No i never meant..."

"It's ok I'm only joking. "

If he really thinks i'm his soulmate or Xanadu as Sara put it, then why doesn't he tell me how he feels.

"He's scared he is going to lose you y/n. He's worried that when he goes back to our planet it will break his heart not being able to see you again..."

"y/n promise me something"

"What's that Sara"

"Give him a chance, it might help him know that he had a chance with you"

"I promise"

I walked out the bathroom with Sara. Seth standing where he said he would be. I walked up to Seth grabbing his hand and started following Sara back to Jack. As we walked back to Jack i gently kissed Seth on his temple. When we got back to Jack i noticed that he had been on the phone. As we sat down Jack started off the conversation again. "You know i think it would be..." "Better if Seth and I found another ride" Sara finished. "Jack Bruno it is understandable that you are scared and confused considering all that has occurred today." She continued. "I'm not scared" Jack quickly busted out. "O please you where scared more than us" Jack ignored me and continued "Just a little confused. But the bottom line is you guys need someone from NASA or the air force. I'm the wrong guy" "A wise person once said you are what you think you are." Sara quickly stated. "Yeah well why don't you go find that guy and ask him." Jack asked. "It was Buddha, he is unavailable." I couldn't help but to laugh at what Seth said. I buried my head in Seth's shoulder trying to block out the glares i was getting but that just made then glare even more. I turn my head slightly to look at Jack. Noticing his expression i shot up as if nothing just happened. I could tell by his expression he was pissed.

"Who know that beings on your planet could be so large in form yet so feel so small inside" Sara added. Not making Jack's mood any better. Sara placed her hand on Jack's "maybe you need help to Jack Bruno". I bury my face into Seth's shoulder letting out a small snigger. Jack phone suddenly rang, picking it up quickly he pointed to us to stay and walked over to the window. "Can you hear what he's thinking Sara" I asked not knowing what was happening. She shook her head. I turned to look into Seth's eyes for comfort noticing he was already looking at me.

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