Out Running the Siphon

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"Ok so who's going to tell me WHAT JUST HAPPENED" Jack snapped angry. "Ok here's the deal this car's not moving until your mouths do! So start talking" "We are dealing with something out of your world" Sara said. "We have to go" i shouted seeing something following us. Like last time Sara put her hand out before Jack could start the car making it move. "What is it" I asked looking at Seth remembering he was still holding my hand and gripping it a little more. "HOLD ON" Jack shouted as we head towards a steep hill. Seth wrapped his arm around my waist and i buried my head into his chest, breathing in his scent, which helped me to calm down a little. The cab rolled into a tunnel and stopped.

"Who is he and i need answers" Jack asked quietly

"A siphon" Sara replied

"What" I asked not knowing what a siphon was.

"He's an assassin training to pressure his target and he won't stop until it is completed" Seth explained.

"and his mission is" I asked scared of the answer.

"Us" Sara said as we all sat back suddenly seeing two blue lights head up the tunnel. All went quiet and all i could hear was the sound of Seth's heartbeat as my head lay on his chest.

As it suddenly vanished we all let out a short breath of relief. The cab slowly creped along the tracks. "JACK" i shouted as i suddenly spot it flying next to us. I suddenly go flying forward as it hits us with a gun only to feel Seth reach out his arm and grab me pulling me closer to him. I held on not wanting to let go. Suddenly were back in another tunnel and heading straight for a train. "FASTER" Seth shouted. "It's won't go any faster" Jack said in a worried voice. "SARA" Seth screamed. Sara reached out her hand making the cab go faster just missing the train. We all look back to see sparks flying everywhere where the siphon hits the train. The cab slowly slowed to a stop.

"No we mustn't tell them" Seth said looking at his sister.

"After that thing tried to kill us you better tell me what the hell is happening, NOW!" i snapped looking at Sara and Seth. Moving out of Seth's arms.

"My brother and i are indeed not from your planet." Sara answered.

Jack gave a laugh turning around "so that's it...mystery solved...you two want me to believe that your both aliens."

"It is the truth." I looked at Seth shocked.

"Well you don't look like aliens" Jack stated.

"Well what does an alien look like Jack Bruno." Sara asked.

"You know what aliens look like...they look like little green people with antae's and laser guns and take me to your leader earthlings." Jack answered.

"Jack you have been watching way to much t.v." i laughed.

"He requires proof" Sara told her brother.

Sara lifts her hand making everything in the car lift including my old phone what i lost months ago.

"I can move objects with my mind" Sara states

"That's impossible" I asked

"No it's quite possible on this planet and my own. you don't do it because you haven't learnt to use your full brain" Sara explained

"No we don't do it because it's creepy" replied Jack

"Jack" Sara shouts as we see lights come towards us, I quickly sit back in my place grabbing on Seth. A sigh of relief fell when it was only a lorry passing.

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