Chapter 14

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Bucky felt like the biggest idiot as he sat there strapped to a chair. Luckily for him, it wasn't THE chair. But that wasn't as comforting a thought as it could be.

He had been so stupid. He wasn't sure if it was the fact that he had been Bucky and not the Winter Soldier when he walked into this or if it was because they had been expecting him or both.

He had been so focused on getting in, blowing stuff up, and getting out so that he could get back to Lucy that he hadn't done that last check.

Now he was stuck in this chair that brought back too many flashbacks of times that he didn't want to remember.

The soldier half of himself fought with the man part to take over so it could keep them safe. Bucky finally gave in.

The soldier immediately thrust all those obnoxious emotions to the side. He forgot about everything that had gotten them here. He existed to survive in any way he could. He no longer took orders, he lived for himself.

The soldier tested the binds that held him in the chair. They were tight and immovable, even with his superhuman strength. That meant whoever had him knew about his abilities. But they probably didn't know about the tinkering he had done with his metal arm since the last time he had been in Hydra's hands.

He flexed the metal arm and heard the metal chains holding him groan under the stress. The soldier didn't show the feeling of satisfaction he felt. That wouldn't help him escape. But he did allow the small part that was Bucky to feel it and bask in it.

They could and would escape. But now wasn't the right time. There were still some lingering drugs in his system from whatever cocktail they shot him with.

So he would wait, play up the symptoms and strike when his opening appeared.


Lucy fidgeted with the clips on her body armor that she wore in the back of the quinjet, while the Avengers moved around her.

The anxiety of waiting was getting to her. She had had it all under control for the first hour and a half while she was still wrapped up in determination and badassery but as they got closer to Bucky her heart rate had picked up.

Katerina had been a lifesaver. She had called Lucy back and said that Nicolas had gotten some info on Hydra and possibly on Bucky. Apparently there had been some activity in France of all places.

Some inactive Hydra base that seemed to have had a recent suspicious movement going on around it. Ten minutes after that phone call a car had shown up to Avengers Tower and a very polite guy that looked like a stereotypical Russian mobster, had gotten out and handed a black briefcase to Lucy, then driven off.

Inside was a set of two handguns, two daggers, six throwing knives, and a taser all in a shiny gold color. It looked like a set. As well as a set of body armor done in a tasteful black with golden highlights here and there.

Natasha had casually picked up the guns and checked them over with an expert eye before handing them back to Lucy. "Good quality, the best actually." She commented then walked away.

After Lucy had put on the gear, she had walked out into the common area and Tony had let out a whistle.

"Well, aren't you looking like a true badass. The Tiger lady?" Tony guessed.

Lucy just nodded. Tony walked up to her and tapped her armor with a knuckle. Then gave another whistle of appreciation.

"You know what this is made of right?"

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