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"Hey have you seen Jungkook"

"Hi have you seen Kookie"

"Kookie where are you"

"Urm hi have you seen a tall boy with a bunny smile and a baby fa- you know what here's a pic have you seen him"


All day you have been looking for Jungkook, getting worried, thinking where is he and why he is not answering your calls or messages.

Suddenly your phone vibrated and thinking it was Jungkook you quickly pulled it out of your pockets, but it was just Jimin reminding you that you both are meeting Lexi and her doctor.

Jungkook was supposed to join you both but there is no sign of him anywhere. You sighed and went to class hoping he would turn up at the end of the day.


You and Jimin were driving to the doctors office who was keeping an eye on Lexi, a little like an asylum but not exactly a mentally ill one.

Jungkook was a no show so you both decided to go on without him.

"Jagiya it's okay he is probably ill or changed his mind stop worrying" Jimin smiled softly as he intertwined his free hand with yours while driving.

These little moments just make your heart and stomach flutter and you love it.

You nodded your head as you both arrived to the office, as you walked in looking around at the frames with certificates in your eyes the averted to the reception.

"Hello how can i help you" she said as she stared into Jimin's eyes

"Urm we are here for Lexi" he said avoiding eye contact with the weird lady.

"Ah yes how are you related" she fluttered her eyelashes while practically ignoring your existence

"She is a friend" he said still looking at the table instead of her face.

"Ah i thought your girlfriend maybe not" she laughed

"No because i am his girlfriend so if you are done asking personal questions can we sign in and go" you snapped, realising what you did and instantly regretting it you just acted as if nothing happened.

The lady rolled her eyes and gave you the sign in sheet, while Jimin's eyes never left you, he was smiling so much his cheeks must hurt while your ears are red from embarrassment.

"Hey guys" a voice shouted behind you

You both turn and see Taehyung waving at you while smiling.

"Hey Jungkook told me to fill in for him"

"You spoke to Jungkook, he has not been answering us" you pouted

"Ah he said he wasn't feeling well" he tapped your head

"See i told you jagi now come on lets go see Lexi" Jimin smiled as he held your hand and you three walked to her room.


He coughed and coughed as he urged for water, his throat dry as a brick wall. His head hurting as he feels lightheaded.

He slowly opens his eyes but to be met with gloom. He was in a gloomy room handcuffed to a log connected from the floor to the roof. His feet tied up.

He looked around the room in anger and confusion, trying to remember everything that just happened.

"Fuck Y/n"

Murder the School President JIMINXREADER Where stories live. Discover now