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You and Yujin were walking to the canteen together, your happy you met her she has a bubbly personality, she said all of her friends sit on a certain table that they were 'known' in the school which kind of intimidated you.

Yujin and you both got your food as you followed her to a table, it was filled with seven boys and four girls. You saw Taehyung who was being annoying in the morning. You saw Jungkook and Lexi who were a couple you met in maths.

Then your eyes darted to him, the boy in the hoodie. Park Jimin, he saw you and Yujin walking towards the table and his stare was the same cold one. You gulped as you stood behind Yujin who was standing in front of the table.

"Guys this is Y/n the new girl my new friend, no our new friend" she said really happy as her bubbly personality burst through.

You came out behind her and gave an awkward smile. "She's hot" said a boy, he was taller than the rest and had dimples. "Namjoon stop being a perv" said Jungkook rolling his eyes. Namjoon laughed.

"Hey nice to see you again Y/n" smiled Jungkook, as Lexi waved. Taehyung looked at you smiling but you rolled your eyes at him. You sat in between Lexi and Yujin but was opposite Taehyung.

"This is Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Lexi, Jieun, Cherry and Mary" Yujin said in one breath as she pointed at each person. Even if you knew a few of them already. You smiled at them all except Jimin and you glared at Taehyung.

"Come on your still mad" whined Taehyung.
You rolled your eyes at him. "Why what did you do now" questioned Cherry pointing at Taehyung. "I made her wake up Jimin in class" he laughed out loud as you looked down pouting.

"Aish you know how Jimin is, actually Yoongi is worse but still" Jieun whispered as if Jimin was not right in front of her. "I am sorry" you said looking up at Jimin.

Instead of looking at you he stood up and softly flicked Taehyung's head and walked off. You were surprised and thought he must really hate you.

Taehyung sat there pouting and rubbing his head in pain. Jin helped him but then ended up flicking Taehyung's head as Jungkook joined and it was quite funny.

However, your mind was still on Jimin, he seems so mysterious and you also have never heard him talk, you really wanted to hear his voice.

Your thought got interrupted as Jin said the most random dad joke ever. "What is it called when a cow sings" he held his laugh and continued "it's a lawsuit" you held your laugh just for the sake of your pride.

Until he said, "do you know what it's called when a group of cows sing's a group lawsuit" as much as you hated it you laughed so much tears came out of your eyes, the whole table was a laughing fit and somehow Jungkook fell off his chair and met the floor which made everyone laugh more.


Lunch was over and it was great, Jin's dad jokes, Jungkook falling off his chair, Taehyung being an alien, Lexi and Yoongi trying to bully Jin, Hoseok being bubbly like Yujin, Namjoon broke a plate, Jieun, Cherry and Mary all bullying the guys.

It was just a great atmosphere to be in, it got your mind off Jimin but of course you were still thinking about the guy, you shook your thoughts away as you decided you do not know the guy so what is the point of thinking about him anyways.

The hallway was empty as everyone was in class, you asked to go to the bathroom and your teacher allowed you. You were walking looking for at least one toilet, about to give up.

After a few more steps you saw one and entered it. Your surprised it's clean. It had six stalls, the mirrors were shining and there was actual soap and toilet tissue.

As you finished, washed your hands and fixed yourself a bit, you left the bathroom. You were walking back to class until something caught your attention.

Yujin and Jimin looked as if they were arguing and it looked pretty heated, you did not want to get involved but you did want to help Yujin out. However, it seemed as if Jimin needed the help, Yujin was the one looking crazy as she was pointing fingers and whisper shouting.

Jimin suddenly turned his gaze towards you and you froze as your eyes widened. Yujin followed his gaze and saw you and her eyes widened. You smiled awkwardly but Jimin stormed off. Yujin came up to you "urm how long where you there" she asked raising her brows. "I-i just came don't worry i did not hear anything" well done you thought that just made you sound more suspicious.

"Urm okay see you later" she smiled and tapped your shoulder making her way back to class you think. You shook your thoughts away and went back to class, as you sat down you just stare at Jimin thinking about the argument and what it could be.

Yujin has not returned to class so you thought she must me 'calming' herself down. The class went by as you was still staring at Jimin biting the back of your pencil and squinting your eyes, he turned and your eyes met, the pencil dropping from your mouth.

You quickly turned your head and went back to focusing in class. Now all you could feel was his stare on you. Until you heard shuffling and saw him lay his head to sleep.


You were now home sitting on the table in your kitchen eating some snacks. Until you heard your mum shout your name from the living room. You walked over and saw her staring into the television.

"Is that not your school" she said pointing at the tv. As she picked up the remote and blasted it on full volume.

The news ladies voice echoed through the house as you froze at the words coming out of her mouth. As you were confused and you felt as if you were about to cry.

"Kim Yujin was found dead behind her school in the janitor's closet, the time of death and how she died has still not been revealed, for now the school will be shut for a few days to run a few investigations"

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