Chapter 25

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Y/N's pov

Y/N was walking around the manor getting some fresh air while Ciel was in his office looking at some papers from the Queen, Snake was following Y/N around making sure she was alright while Sebastian was making lunch. The kids were still at Lady Elizabeth's place Y/N happened to turn her head over to the bushes and noticed something in the distance but couldn't make out what it was Snake also noticed that you were looking at something. Emily started hissing from where the two were looking Snake grabbed ahold of Y/N and pulled you close to his body as a gunshot is fired hitting the brick wall. Sebastian came out of the manor so did Ciel and went to go check on Snake and Y/N to see if they were alright Snake said "Someone is hiding in the bushes, Emily says angrily" Sebastian said, "Don't worry I'll see to it that they are dealt with". Ciel said, "Y/N are you alright," Y/N said "Yeah I'm okay, thank you for saving me Snake and Emily" Snake smiled as Y/N hugged him. Ciel said "Come on Y/N let's head on back inside" Y/N gave Ciel her hand as they walked back into the manor and was brought up to his office, Y/N saw the few scattered papers on his desk and picked one up and looked at it. Ciel said "few bodies have been found with a few stab wounds and their intestines missing," Y/N said "And the Queen wants you to look into it" Y/N looked up at Ciel with a worried look Ciel nods. Snake knocks on the door before entering with some tea and a snack Y/N isn't sure if she should go with Ciel or stay at the manor Ciel said "We'll figure something out Y/N I promise". Y/N said "I didn't say anything yet," Ciel said "But you were thinking it right Y/N", Y/N started to blush a bit before taking a drink of her tea. 

Ciel's pov

I was up in my office the kids were still at Lady Lizzy's place I received a letter from her and the Queen I opened Lizzy's letter and read it, I'm glad that they are having a fun time down there their probably want to go down there more often. I then looked at the Queen's letter entailing about a few murders happening in a village that she wants me to look into I had my office window slightly open to let some air in. I heard the sound of a gunshot being fired outside of the manor remembering that Y/N was outside walking around the manor I rushed out of the manor to go see if she was alright. I made it outside seeing Snake hold onto someone as I got closer I see that it was Y/N in his arms Sebastian said "Don't worry I'll see to it that they are dealt with" he left to go deal with the intruder. I said, "Y/N are you alright," Y/N said "Yeah I'm okay, thank you for saving me Snake and Emily" I could tell that Snake didn't know how to handle the hug from Y/N but attempted to hug her as he smiled. I said "Come on Y/N let's head on back inside" I held my hand out to Y/N as she placed hers into mine and I walked her inside of the manor and up to my office. Snake walked into the kitchen to make us some tea and I presume a snack until lunch could be made I noticed that Y/N was looking at the few papers I had on my desk about a murder case I have to look more into. I said "few bodies have been found with a few stab wounds and their intestines missing," Y/N said "And the Queen wants you to look into it" I saw the worried look on her face and I nodded my head. A knock was heard on the door it was Snake with the tea and snack for us to eat and drink for now I looked back over at Y/N seeing that she was thinking about something and I knew what it was. I said "We'll figure something out Y/N I promise," Y/N said "I didn't say anything yet," I said "But you were thinking it right Y/N", I knew Y/N was wanting to go with me but it could be a bit dangerous. I'm not leaving her here at the manor like I did last time that will never happen again I looked back over at Y/N seeing that she was blushing before she took a drink of her tea and I smiled at her. 

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