Funeral Home

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I walked into the funeral home. I never thought I would be going to m y own funeral or funeral home. No one ever think they will, but here I am.

Everyone was starting to stare at me and giving me wierd looks. I honestly didn't think it was that big of a deal if I came. I mean, it's just a celeberty coming to a fans funeral home.

One of my several bestfriends came up to me and asked, "Oh my gosh! What are yo doing here?!?!" Erica's face was filled with excitment and shock.

"Lucy was one of my fans and she didn't die in the most pleasent way. Since, I was in town I thought that there would be no harm in coming and paying my respects and giving her thanks for the support she gave me, as a fan." I explained the best I could. I couldn't tell her the real reson, so I used the nest logical reason to as why Avril Lavigne, someone who has never heard of Lucy, would be coming to her funeral home.

"That's so cool and nice of you. Lucy would be very happy to know that you're here." You have no idea.

All of a sudden a bunch of flashes went off outside the windows, looking outside there was a bunch of paparazzi taking pictures of me. I will never get used to how annoying that is.

I walked outside to everyone screaming and yelling "Avril! Avril! Over here Avril!" Trying to get my attention.

"This is a funeral, go somewhere else. Let this family grive without you guys being here. I'm just here to thank a fan for her support, while she was here. I highly doubt Lucy would want her funeral to be like this. Please go anywhere else and go take the fun out of anyone elses day. This family has been through enough, please leave them be." I yelled out into the crowd. It seemed to work a little bit.  They stopped yelling as much and a few actually left. The people who were even trying to contain them and stop them from going inside, even got them to go back a couple of feet. Good to know that I didn't say that all for nothing.

With that I walked back inside. I was walking down the hall that led to the room my body was in, when I crashed into somebody."I'm sorry."  I said looking up to see my boyfriens, well ex-boyfriend now.

"I'm sorry. Wait, are you Avril Lavigne?" Ethan asked in disbelief. I couldn't help but notice the several tears streaming down his cheeks. Ethan never cried, not even when his favorite dog died. This really must have hit home for him.

"Ya, I'm the reason the paparazzi are here ruining this for all of you. I really wish they would let everyone grive in peace." I guess I'm gonna have to get used to them following me around everywhere I go. It's gonna take a while, but it's gonna have to happen.

"I saw what you did out there.  It was really cool of you to not to take this as an opportunity to make you look good. You're not like most celebirties, which makes you look even better." Ethan finally held a smile on his face. God, I'm gonna miss his smile.

"You have no idea."

"Well, maybe you could give me an idea?" I can't believe I'm actually debating on telling him.

"Maybe." I held a smirk on my face.

"Maybe?" Ethan repeated.

"Ya, maybe."

"For somereason, you remind me a lot of Lucy."

"How so?"

"Lucy has the same smirk and she would always do the maybe thing all the time to me. You also have the same nervous ticks, that she did." Glad I'm still holding on to me and not becoming full on Avril Lavigne.

"Glad to hear I remind you of her. Was she important to you?" He better say yes. I'm gonna kill him. then feed him to pigs if he says no.

"Ya, really important. She was my girlfriend all four years of high school." Ethan let out another tear, which caused me to let out one of my own tears.

"I'm sorry for your loss. I need to tell you something before you go, Ethan." I said while dragging him into a janitors closet.

One the door was closed, Ethan opened up his mouth again. "Okay, so spill the beans."

"You know I think you're a goofball whenever you say that. Gosh, I don't know why I've been dating you for so long." I let out a laugh, but stopped once I realized I spilled the beans, as Ethan puts it.

"Wait, what did you just say?" Ethan went from a semi-frowny face semi-smiley face to a look of full on confusion.

"I didnn't want to tell you this way. What I'm about to tell you, you can't tell anyone. Okay?"

"Okay." Ethan relaxed alittle bit

"When Avril got into the accident, she became brain dead, but her body was still able to function. The day of the shooting, I got shot and the bullett skimmed my heart. My brain was still functioning, but my body wan't. So instead of having two dead bodies, they put my brain in Avril's body. I'm really Lucy trapped inside Avril's body." I had a tear running down my cheeck. I quickly wiped it away, before Ethan could notice.

"If you're really Lucy, then that explains how you knew my name when I never told you and how you remind me so much of her. But how do I know it's really you Lucy?" I knew he was going to question it. If I was him, I would believe me either, not without proof.

"When you had to change your football number, you changed it to sixteen, because that's my volleyball number. You told me when we were watching The Blindside in your room at your dad's house. I told you it was the sweetest thing in the world, but I was consered what would happen if we broke up and you said it would never happen."

"I thought I lost you."Ethan came over to me and embraced me in a hug.

"I miss you so much, Ethan. It was too hard to see you like that and not tell you. I trust you not to tell anyone."

"You can trust me, babe. You know that."



"What's gonna happen to us? I don't want to lose you. I love you too much."I started to cry into his chest.

"I don't know, but we'll figure it out. I don't want to lose you either." Ethan burried his face in mu hair.

As Avril Lavigne (An Avril Lavigne Fanfic) (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now