Chapter Two - A Small Inconvenience

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Hi, this is the author! I just wanted to write the last chapter in Landon's perspective to give his situation some context. I can also do Q&A if you put questions in the comments!

Landon's POV:

I ran and ran, almost unable to outrun the bony creature. I pull out some sort of weapon and shoot the hell out of it. But that didn't do shit. Then the panic set in. Adrenaline can only get you so far. Its bony hands grabbed me and sent me flying up to a large hole in the ground. Then it slammed me down toward the bottom of the seemingly endless pit.

I woke up and lazily rolled over. I checked the clock, the big hand at four, and the little hand at seven. I hate waking up early, but the boss was very explicit about waking up on time, "time waits for no man" or some dumb shit like that.

Every day is the same boring routine. Wake up, get ready, grab some food, wait by the shitty elevator, go to school, go home and go to bed. That stupid goddamn elevator is just the cherry on top of an already shitty situation. Nothing is fun anymore. Nothing is exciting anymore. Not that I feel much anyway, perks of being a vampire. I just wish I could move out of this shitty apartment.

I open the fridge and pull out a fresh "donation" of blood. Something that the boss gives all of us once we bring the evil bastards in. I grab one of those thermos coffee mug things and poor the bright red fluid in. Nothing like a fresh cup of blood to get me going in the morning! Note the sarcasm. I check the clock again, and this time it seems like I'm gonna be late. Oh well, sucks to suck.

The boss says that I have to live here for a while, said that I had to kill some fatty. I don't know why he's so obsessed with catching such annoying people, but I hope I don't have to do it for long. I catch 'em then I bring 'em back to the boss. It's not fair. I want to savor the blood of my enemies, feel the rush of a kill. He's taken that away. I still can't believe I can't kill anyone!

I toss my comforter aside and walk along the creaky floorboards towards the shower, I slide off my boxers and jump in. A cold shower should wake me up. After that, I grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth, gotta keep my pearly whites clean.

Then, after a quick little toss of my hair, I walk over to my bag. It has all of the necessities, clothes, a toothbrush, a comb, a soap bar, and that's about it.

I throw on some loose jeans, a plain white tee, and a random ass jacket. Quickly grabbing my backpack, I head out the door. Living on the second floor is so annoying.

The elevator is always on the first, or third-floor making me have to wait the maximum amount of time. I push the button and wait about ten minutes for the elevator. With such a terrible wait, I should just take the stairs. Why didn't I just go straight to the stairs? Oh yeah, I remember, because I'm a lazy bitch.


Speak of the devil.

The elevator door opens, and wow. That fat fuck of a landlord is messing around with another chick. I know I have to take this guy out, but I would've killed him just for fun if this was any other situation. Yeah, you can call me a psychopath, but I'm just trying to get by, and maybe having a little fun along the way. Look at it this way, the world is a pretty shitty place, and I'm just taking people to a better one, depending on whether or not they're a shitty person or not a shitty person. I couldn't see the girl's face but I could tell her body was, developed. There's something about her that really gets me going.

I pushed that heavy bastard off of her and screamed,

"What the hell is going on here?!"

"H-he attacked me," She said clearly afraid.

"We're dating, we just fought and-" He said, only making me angrier.

"Shut it, we both know, that whatever just happened, was illegal. And if you don't stop doing this to young girls, I'll call the cops, and you will go to prison," I said, leaning closer, and pushing him against the elevator wall.

"Hey now, I-I don't need any trouble, I-I'll do anything, just p-please don't call the police," He stammered, I wouldn't be surprised if this fucker peed his fucking pants. He was sweating an ocean. I glared at him and said, "Only if you apologize, and give me two hundred bucks."

"Y-yes," He said, a certain panic in his voice, the familiar dread that really gets me off. He took out two hundred dollars and handed it to me with shaking hands and everything.

Then the shitty elevator beeped, and we were finally at the lobby. The landlord scurried off with his stubby little legs like a fucking rat. Then we walked out of the elevator, and I turned toward her,

"You okay little lady?" I asked, leaning towards her. Her big blue eyes with a glint of gold sparkling. Her deep, scared breathes escaping her smooth, slightly moist kissable lips. Her long, glossy, blonde hair flowed down to her lower back, and I could tell that she had just brushed it. Her oversized hoodie hung in all the right places, and her jeans hugged her thighs in just the right way. Something about her drove me crazy. Maybe the cute pitter-patter of her heart, or maybe something deeper. I could sense her blood flowing through her veins, which made me feel like maybe the fresh blood in my mug wasn't going to cut it.

"Y-yeah, thank you for helping me," She said, beaming. Maybe this place isn't so bad. This girl is so adorable. She's still shaking, after such a small altercation.

"Where are you headed? By the way, my name's Landon, Landon Price," I said, with my signature charm.

"Oh, um I'm just headed to Verosia academy. And my name is Emily Summers," She stammered, clearly still shaken up from that fatty.

"Really? I go to Verosia too, I could drive you there if you want,"

"Yeah, that'd be nice, thanks," She responded, she felt the dread too. I knew my vampiric charms had drawn her to me. I led her to my car, a Lamborghini.

"Here, hop on in," I said, opening the car door, "Sorry if it's a bit messy, my buddies and I like to drive around a lot," More like they like to go out drinking and call me to pick them up.

"Is that a Lambo?"

"Yep, it's a gift from my dad, he gave it to me a while back," I said as she got in. He gave it to me about three months before he died. It's been three years now, and I can't even begin to explain how glad I am to have that dickhead gone. God, he was the worst. Worse than the fatty I just took care of.

I can tell she likes the air freshener I use to mask the smell of alcohol and vomit from my "buddies" making me drive them home from bars.

I put the key into the car, and we were off. I guess this shitty apartment complex wasn't as shitty as I thought.

I tried really hard to restrain myself from pulling over, grabbing her and taking her blood right now, but no one from school can know that I'm a vampire and I couldn't bring myself to hurt such a beautiful girl.

Finally, after driving for quite a while we had pulled into the school's parking lot.

"Thank you for the ride Landon, hope to see you around! Bye," Emily said, smiling her cute little smile. I felt the corners of my mouth rise. Must've had too much blood.

"No problem, Emily. See ya!" I exclaimed, again using my fuck boy vampiric charms to make her heart rate quicken. Yes, I am a self-aware fuck boy. I wouldn't use my charms on just anyone though, she's getting the special treatment.

I got out of the car and watched her walk over to a boy. Damn, her ass is thick. I looked at the boy a little more closely. He seems strange. I don't trust him with her, she's too perfect, I'll have to keep an eye on him.

I slowly start to walk towards the building, ugh this is going to be a terrible day.

Sorry I haven't updated. My life has been pretty hectic because of homework. I hope to find more time to work on this story! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. I really hope you liked it! Hopefully, coronavirus will work in my favor.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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