Chapter One - New School, New Life

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Beep! Beep! 

Beep! Beep! 

My alarm blared, waking me up from my slumber. Ugh, I'll never be a morning person.  Through a tired haze, I glanced at the time displayed on the clock.  7:59, another minute and I'll be late. Late, late. I forced my arm out from under my warm covers and slammed the snooze button on my alarm.

 I sighed and pushed my body up from my bed. I don't know how to feel about going to a new high school. New school, new me I suppose. It's not like I had anyone to miss me, or to miss for that matter. I hope that this year, I won't be so lonely. 

I slid my feet out from underneath my covers and onto the wooden floor.  

I feel bad for leaving dad alone, especially after mom died.  He should be fine, I hope that two years of grieving is enough.

Verosia Academy, the most prestigious high school in the state, and I got accepted. Although prestigious, it seems as though the school is quite dangerous. The school is in the most crime-ridden part of the state. With gang fights and bank robberies, this place doesn't seem to be the best location. I also read online about vampires, but those stories are fake.

I got up and walked to my wardrobe. I threw on a pair of light wash jeans and a gray hoodie. 

I look out of my south-facing window, which ensures that the sun comes in for most hours of the day. I had to find an apartment for myself because my father has to work in my home town. This one was perfect. It was small, but it had a kitchen, a bathroom, and a bedroom. The best part: it was cheap. So cheap in fact, that my dad working as a manager for Willmart, could afford the initial fee, monthly rent, and the broker's fee. Although the water pressure is bad, the neighbors are loud, the windows aren't soundproofed properly, and the landlord is super creepy, I like it here. It's cozy, and I have everything necessary for survival.

I grabbed my backpack from my desk and walked down the long corridor to the elevator. I pressed the button, and I saw my landlord.

"Emily! Hey!" He yelled, his stubby legs moving as fast as they could, "Hold the elevator!"

"Okay sir," I said back to him, trying to sound as polite as I could. When he got to me he grabbed my shoulder and said,

"Thank you so much, I have to get back to the first floor fast. I'd like to have a conversation about your apartment too,"

"You're welcome. Why do we need to talk about my apartment?" I said, knowing that it was another ploy to get me to move in with him.

"Well, I was thinking of renovating the bathroom in your apartment, and while it's being renovated you could stay in my guest bedroom. I know that it sounds sketchy, but I just want you to be happy,"

"No thank you, my bathroom is fine,"

"Please, I want to be with you- I mean renovate that bathroom, it's really old and I feel guilty for not fixing it before you came in,"

"Sorry, but no sir," I said sternly. This guy is a sixty-six-year-old registered sex offender, I do not want to be left alone in an apartment with him. I'm scared to even go into this elevator with him, even though there are security cameras.

The elevator beeped and we both went in, he looked pinned me against the wall and said,

"I like you, Emily. I want to take you out sometime, to get to know you. Don't you wanna try being with an older man? Come on it'll be fun," He leaned in closer and whispered,

"I can make you feel things you've never felt before,"

"S-sir-" My mind was racing, I had to get him away from me. My face turned red and tears filled the rims of my eyelids. Then the elevator beeped, and a boy around my age stepped in. My landlord caressed my cheek, it seemed as though he hadn't noticed anyone walk in. His hand started to move down towards my chest. I tried to push his hands away but I wasn't strong enough. I let out a small sob and the boy pushed my landlord off of me.

"What the hell is going on here?!" He yelled, clearly enraged.

"H-he attacked me," I said, fighting tears.

"We're dating, we just fought and-" My landlord exclaimed, interrupted by the boy saying,

"Shut it, we both know, that whatever just happened, was illegal. And if you don't stop doing this to young girls, I'll call the cops, and you will go to prison," He said, eyes narrowing, and pushing my landlord against the elevator wall.

"Hey now, I-I don't need any trouble, I-I'll do anything, just p-please don't call the police," He stammered, visibly afraid. Beads of sweat dripped down his greasy forehead.

"Only if you apologize, and give me two hundred bucks," He said cockily, smiling wryly at my landlord.

"Y-yes," He said, as he rummaged in his pockets for his wallet. He took out two hundred dollars in cash and handed it to the boy. 

Then the elevator beeped, and we were in the lobby. The landlord scurried off with his stubby little legs. Then we walked out of the elevator, and the boy turned to me,

"You okay little lady?" He asked, seeming quite concerned. His hazel gaze made me feel uneasy. 

"Y-yeah, thank you for helping me," I said, smiling at him. I was glad that he had gotten me away from that creeper. I looked down at my hands, and they were shaking like crazy. Then I realized I was shaking.

"Where are you headed? By the way, my name's Landon, Landon Price," The boy stated.

"Oh, um I'm just headed to Verosia academy. And my name is Emily Summers," I said.

"Really? I go to Verosia too, I could drive you there if you want,"

"Yeah, that'd be nice, thanks," I responded, feeling quite uneasy. I feel compelled to go with him like something is driving me towards him, something... not human. Those feelings quickly went away as he led to his car. It was a sleek black Lamborghini.

"Here, hop on in," He said, opening the car door, "Sorry if it's a bit messy, my buddies and I like to drive around a lot,"

"Is that a Lambo?"

"Yep, it's a gift from my dad, he gave it to me a while back," He said as I got in. 

The smell of fresh a fresh summer breeze infiltrated my nose. Why is this car so nice? It's impeccably clean and it smells like a dream.

He started the car and off we went. I leaned on my elbow and looked out the window. Maybe this place wouldn't be too lonely after all.

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