Day 364

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Day 364

days. I woke up before everyone else and quickly took a shower. After I was done I quietly went outside. Dawn was breaking. I needed some time alone. Some time where there was no one around but me. I imagined, in my head, the outside of the wall. I imagined myself standing next to it. Everything faded and when my eyes focused again I was standing in the middle of nowhere. I had just teleported for the first time.

I wasn't really in the middle of nowhere. I knew that the wall surrounding the town was right next to me. It was invisible but I could sense it using my sensing power. I walked away from the wall. The flat terrain in front of me stretched for miles and miles. I felt at peace somehow, out in nature.

A cool breeze blew across my face. There were no birds chirping or any animals around for that matter but the silence was not eerie. It was a comforting silence as though nature itself was embracing me. As though it had accepted the fact that I would soon die and was trying to be my friend.

I stopped and sat down on the dirt. Inside the compound there was green grass that the people with nature controlling abilities had grown. I didn't mind the dirt. I scooped some dirt up and let it run through my fingers. 

The falling sand reminded me of an hourglass. It reminded me of time. Of how much time that I had. Oh, stop it. I had to stop thinking about it. My hand formed into a fist and I beat the ground as if beating it could take away all my problems.

After a small indentation had formed in the ground from my fist and I held my hand up the fact remained that I still had the virus. Nothing could change that. I sighed heavily and picked myself up off the ground.

If I didn't get back soon then everyone would probably think that I had run off or gotten captured by General Whitcom. As if I would ever let that happen. I imagined myself back in front of my house. I teleported back and went inside. I went to the kitchen and found that Lilian was the only one there.

"Hey Max where were you?" Lilian had her hands on her hips and didn't look happy.

"Good morning to you too," my voice was full of sarcasm.

"Sorry. Good morning! Now, where were you," her hands were still on her hips.

"I went out for a walk...." I said casually.

"Oh, right," she removed her hands from her hips and started twirling her hair in her fingers.

"So why did you want to know where I was?" I asked.

"No reason, no reason," her face was unreadable.

"Were you--worried?"

"Maybe," she smiled.

I smiled back. I was glad that she was worried about me. Just then everyone else came in.

"Morning," Tim nodded to me.

"Morning," I nodded back.

"Hey mom how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay," she said.

Her face said that she wasn't. Her eyes were red and looked like she had been crying. Pete arrived and our plates and bowls were soon filled with food. We ate breakfast in silence. Everyone seemed to be on edge. It was like they were afraid to mention anything in case the subject of my imminent death was accidentally mentioned.

I would have preferred that everyone actually did talk. Unlike outside, the silence in here was tense. We ate faster than we normally would on account of no one talking. We all stood up at the same time as if on cue. Mom broke the silence first.

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