How The Hours Pass

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I slept the night away on the plane. It's invisibility being a help against threats.

I yawned loudly and stretched my crackly back.

I began to do stretches, push ups, sit ups, and stuff. Then I did gun coordination and hand coordination. I had to always keep sharp. Mostly if I had to fight some of the worst people on the planet.

I had no idea where I was and Friday was available to tell me.

I stood up and walked over to the cockpit. Russia wasn't much farther. A few hours more at least. I sighed and sat down, staring through one of the windows. Clouds passed by and the Sun shone bright. The ocean far below sparkled and was lively with wildlife.

The transmission began to beep and I ran to the cockpit again to put on the headphones. "Hello?" I asked.

"Tiana? What the fuck? Where are you!" Natasha yelled in my ears.

I sighed and exhaled sharply. "That's not your business." I said simply.

"Not my business? You left without little explanation! You just..disappeared." she said angrily.

"Come back, Tia." said Bucky.

"I have business to take care of. Not yet,okay?" I said softly to Bucky.

"What business?"

"It's not important. Just let me do this." I said and hung up the line.

I sighed. I knew Hill would notify them. I just hope they don't track me and come after me.

I can't lose more people to those cruel ones.


A few more hours past, and I knew I wasn't far. I grabbed my luggage and took out my suit. I slipped it on along with the flexible black boots Tony made. I holstered my guns and stowed away my knives.

Doing this job could make me a killer,

but I guess I already am one. 

You can't lose something you've already lost, so what's the point in trying to do the good thing? Madame B wasn't good. All I had to tell myself was she deserved this. I also assumed the academy was still running, so if I could, I'd try to save those girls from what I've become. They'll be doomed to my fate too.

A little ding went off, signaling me to sit down and strap in. I did so as I felt the plane tilt downward a bit. I breathed deeply, mentally and physically preparing myself for this.

And if I had to, I'd go down fighting.

I never understood revenge until now. I didn't want to, but I couldn't ignore the aching feeling for it. The feeling of pay back on the ones who caused us pain. I can't go back now. I don't want to, honestly.

Mom and Dad would never want me doing something like this.

But they weren't there to stop. Nor Natasha or the others.


*Time skip*

I located the area of the academy. The familiar surrounding were overwhelming.

In the distance, the old building could be seen. The one that filled us with pain. Distant yelling was heard. The academy was still running, as I'd thought.

I hope those girls don't try to fight me. I don't want to hurt them.

I snuck around the tree line to remain unseen. Once I was closer, I could see every detail of the facility. I brought on bad memories. Terrible ones. 

I could tell they lacked the security nowadays. The place was rundown. I doubt HYDRA even cared about this place. I was sure the "Great Madame B" had become no more than HYDRA history. She wasn't a prized legend.

I found an old window, which was unlocked, and I crawled inside. Nobody was in sight so I used muscle memory to weave my way to Madame B's office. Fighting could be heard from the dance hall. I crept up the grand stair case and found her door.

Un-holstering my gun, I open the creaky door. A straight-faced, old Madame B, sat silently at her desk. She definitely had gotten old.

She looked up, not very surprised.

I held my gun at her and she sighed deeply.

"I knew you'd come back here for this one day. I heard you left HYDRA." she said calmly.

"How could I not?" I laughed dryly with no expression.

"Shoot me and those girls will come up here and shoot you. Or you can leave, You're choice." she had no expression still but I knew she was trying to talk me out of this.

"We both know it's like trying to reason with yourself. I know everything you do. You can't play me." I said.

She chuckled. "You've gotten soft. The Tiana I know would have shot already."

"I'm taking my time." I said simply.

"What do you want from me then?" she asked.

"Oh, nothing in particular. All I want is to see you suffer." I didn't care speaking the truth to her.

"You're dishonorable." she said. I was angry now. "You were destined for greatness. They tried to fix you but garbage like you can't be fixed." she said with acid.

I was pissed now. Logic left my brain.

I pulled the trigger. No remorse. No pain. 

Just plain, sweet revenge.

Sorry it's a short chapter! I've been so busy lately:(

Stay safe out there loves, and try not to get sick!

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