Ever had an OC made for Epithet Erased? Ever wanted that OC to interact with the fun cast of the universe that makes up this interesting show? Well today's your lucky day!
Welcome to this mess of a roleplay book! Feel free to step inside and enjoy...
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-Basic Information- Name
Nickname (If they have any)
Age (Don't make a character too old or young for their love interest)
-Appearance- Height
Body Shape
Skin Tone
Eye Color
Eye Shape
Hair Color
Hair Style and Length
Clothing Style
-Epithet Info- Inscribed or Mundie
Epithet Description (Mundies can skip this. Make sure to include strengths and weaknesses)
Moves (How can the Epithet be used in battle? Mundies can skip this)
(For the following questions, ⭐️ is for Star, ✨ is for Orbit, 💫 is for Nova. If you have any questions, either google Epithet tiers or ask me)
-Personality Info- Personality Summary
Greatest Strength
Greatest Weakness
Greatest Goal
Alignment (Think DnD)
Likes (+3 Likes please)
Dislikes (+3 Dislikes please)
-Miscellaneous Info- Weapons (What does the OC use to defend themselves)
Skills (What skills does your OC have?)
Background (Optional)
Headcanon Voice (Optional)
Theme Song (Optional)
Relation to Canon Characters (Basically which canon character would you prefer to have played against you? This does not have to be strictly romantic. Also if you could, please add a short description on your OC's and the canon's dynamic or at least your ideas for it so I can have an idea how to roleplay it to your liking)
Trivia (Optional)
(Tagging is allowed. Just either ask me or notify me when you tag me that this is for this book)