chapter 6

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I slowly opened my eyes to a white blinding light. "Gahh-" I groaned while rubbing my eyes. I felt two anxious hands grabbing my hands. "You're okay... Thank god-" Katsuki said. "Where are we?" I asked. "In the hospital. You blacked out from the blood loss, plus an anxiety attack." He responded while wrapping his arms around me as I sat up wincing at the pain in my arm. "How long was a out?" I soon asked. "About 5 hours. It's near 8 now."

The nurse walked in. "Woah, take it easy. You lost a lot of blood Ms. Liberty." She said while lightly pushing me down. "You need your rest" She said while checking a clipboard then giving me some food.

"How long does she have to be in the hospital?" Katsuki asked the nurse. "Maybe a few days. However long it takes for the police to catch her parents." She responded. "Well, I'm staying right here." He said while grabbing my hands. "I'm sorry Mr. Bakugou, that's not allowed. You're not intermediate family" She said back. "He is my family... He's my boyfriend... He makes me feel safe... Please..." I said while looking back and fourth between them.

"Hhh- alright Ms. Liberty." The nurse said while giving Katsuki one last look before heading out. Katsuki smiled at me while I started to eat some. "... Why me..." I slowly started to ask him. "Why do you mean [y/n]?" He asked looking concerned.

"... Why me?... Out of everyone else.... You chose me... You couldve been doing whatever you wanted right now not risking your life for me...."

"[Y/n]... Ive liked you since we were little kids... I've always put myself up to the others to protect you from their bullying... [Y/n]- Id die for you... I'll keep putting my life of the line for you."

"... I should just be dead... Without me, You wouldn't get hurt... I've hurt you Kat..."

He grabbed my hands and leaned in very close and made direct eye contact with me. "No... Don't you dare even mention anything like that...[y/n] I love you...!"

".. I love you too Katsuki..." I said while a couple tears started to form. He started to lean in slowly more, then kissed my forehead.

When he pulled back, he looked like he, himself was about to cry. He then sat back down and played on his phone as I finished eating.

The nurse soon knocked and said goodnight as she turned the lights out and closed the door. I layed back down. Katsuki scooted the chair up right next to me and put his hand in mine as he layed his head on the bed against my arm on the right side. I painfully took my left hand and put it on his hair just petting his hair as we drifted off to sleep.

The next few days I was still in the hospital with him staying by my side. One day the nurse burst through the door, "they've been caught!!" She yelled. Me and Katsuki were surprized. "They were!?" I shouted. "Yes! And they're being locked up for life for what they've been doing to you." She said while getting me ready for leave and taking the IV needle out of my arm.

After about 15 minutes, we were heading to the front desk where we were greeted by an officer. "G'day Ms. Liberty and Mr. Bakugou. As the nurse probably already said, they've been caught and thrown in the brig. But now, if y'all would follow me." He said while leading us out. We got in the back of his police car. "Mr. Bakugou, we had fully paid workers fixing up your house for you while you were staying with Ms. Liberty in the hospital, so you have nothing to worry about there." The officer said.

"Oh, thank you." Katsuki responded. "Also, y'all are being dropped off at school right now too if y'all were wonderin" The officer said while adjusting the mirror to look at us. "Oh... Do we have to today?" I said looking while looking down. "Yes ma'am, I'm sorry." He responded while pulling in through the UA gates.

Word count: 699

My Safe Place // Oneshot? // Katsuki Bakugou x Fem OcWhere stories live. Discover now