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Seokjin inhaled the morning mist, a steaming hot coffee in his hands. It's in the middle of fall, a season he grew to love. Seokjin cracked his neck, feeling yesterday's tiredness slowly getting the best of him. Though, going to bed for another round of sleep sounds pleasing right now, he has a lot of stuff to do. In another 2 hours, he should be leaving for his work, a pizza delivery guy. After the shift finished at 8,he is a waiter at the nearby fried chicken shop. It was tiring, really. But having a sick mother on her death bed makes him forget about all the things that hurt.

Seokjin sighed, sipping the remaining liquid before he placed the cup on the small wooden table and heads in the shower to start his duty.
His work definitely isn't easy like how people see it. He needs to speed, pass the red traffic light in order to deliver it fast. Not all people in the world are nice, he often has angry costumers who refused to pay because he was late. He wanted to fight back of course, but costumers are always right hm?

"morning, Kim" his work mate greeted, he lazily smiled with a nod. The manager peeked from the kitchen, "Oh, Jin! Mind delivering out first order today? 21 STREET LIGHT near the main hospital." without any further words, Seokjin accepted. A duty is a duty. A smile lit up on his manager's face before he dissappeared in the kitchen again.

He looked outside and groaned to himself. Rain started to drizzle,, not a good start on monday morning. A calm from his manager and Seokjin stood up, ready to battle against rain.

Bring the pain on


To say that the second job is a little lighter is true but it has the negative perks. The workers there are friendly, especially owner. A 60 year old woman with kind eyes and warm smile. She always put away some rice and chicken for Seokjin as his dinner. Though, it's a little late for it, he appreciates the kindness and always keep it the fridge and heat them up in the morning. No food entered Seokjin's trash can. He is too low on money to even think about throwing a half banana.

The customers,, well. People. Some nice, some okay okay but some straight up asking for a fist in their mouth. Especially those group of guys who usually sit at the table at the corner. Whenever Jin came over to ask for their order, their hands never leave him. Always trying to feel him up, grabbing his butt. Seokjin took a deep breath before moving back a bit.

"if you don't keep your hands to yourself, I'm afraid that will become a chandelier" Seokjin said, a small smile on his face. One of them whistled,, "a fiesty one! I like that" he said, raking his eyes from Seokjin's head to toes. Seokjin shivered in disgust.

"what's your order, gentleman?" with a polite tone, Seokjin asked again.

"what about you with a soda on the side?" the rest of the table laughed. Seokjin's face is red, with embarrassment and anger. He shrugged, looking towards the direction of the owner who squinted her eyes and signaled him to leave.

"Those jackass bothering you again, huh?" she said, shooting daggers to their drirection. Seokjin laughed, giving the woman a light smack "Ahjumma! Don't say that" he laughed, shaking his head. The woman huffed, giving a light pat and hurried him to take another order from the newly arrived family. Seokjin nodded with a fond smile.


He gripped on the plastic that contains a box of spicy fried chicken. Today felt a little off. He felt paranoid. Maybe it's a mistake for him to take the short cut home. He felt too tired to take his usual road. He constantly looked over his shoulder, feeling a creep crawling under his skin. He can almost feel eyes on him, watching his every move. He fastened his steps, wanting nothing but to reach home faster. Though, a cough frome behind stopped him on his feet. He stood frozen on the dirty pavement.

Whatever spirit it is, please please go away.

Seokjin heard footsteps getting closer, he panicked and picked up his pace. He was running and he can hear the sound of fast footsteps behind him. Two different rhythm... Two person? Tears pricked at the corner of his eyes. He threw the chicken out of his hands and use the remaining strength in him to run faster.

"GET HIM" he heard a growl behind him. Seokjin was on the verge of sobbing, his tears clouded his vision. He brought his sleeves to wipe at his eyes. He legs trembled in every step he took.

Without him knowing it, his pace slowed and they managed to get a grip of his arm, yanking him down on the muddy pavement. Seokjin yelped in pain, immediately crawling backwards to avoid the two figures from getting closer.

"please, please don't hurt me! I have nothing, I swear." Seokjin pleaded, a shameless sob caught at his throat.

One of the two crouched down, taking a grip of Seokjin's face with his calloused hand.

"Oh, darling. You've got everything that we wanted" the male said, chuckling along with his other friend.

Seokjin pulled his face from the grip and swung his fist, hitting the man at the side of his cheekbone. He got on his feet to run but only to have his ankles held in a tight bruising grip before he fell on the pavement.

Seokjin started to scream, he felt so helpless,, screaming to an empty alley only to be greeted back by the sound of his own voice. His head was slammed down on the hard surface and Seokjin winched, feeling his eyes started to close. He tried to fight back the dizziness, but he lose.

The next thing he knew was his body being lifted up and thrown over a shoulder.

Mom.... please help me....

Hello darkness my old friend.

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