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It's Saturday, Jungkook was off work today. He planned to take Seokjun and Jin for a day out but his son begged to stay over at The Min's and he couldn't refuse and let his son down. After their breakfast, they packed some extra clothes and snacks for Seokjun and also his toys before their butler sent him over.

"Since the day out is a plan hye,, what do you think if we go on a date?"

At that, Seokjin choked on air. His eyes expanding their size.

"D-date?" Seokjin said, trying not to smile. A date sounds nice. His stomach was fluttering at the look on Jungkook's face.

"Yea... We can maybe eat out at my favorite restaurant, have a picnic or what ever you wanted.. I'm down" Jungkook said, his hand holding Seokjin's again.

Jungkook seems to love holding his hands and Seokjin was in no place to complaint.

"A picnic sounds lovely, I forgot the last time I had one" Seokjin nodded at his own words, smiling when Jungkook does too.

"in the evening sounds cool? We can buy some snacks on the way and order some of the foods too!" The excitement was clear in Jungkook's voice. His eyes were shimmering and Seokjin grinned at that. This Jungkook is cute. Another side of him that Seokjin will soon get used to.

" I will prepare the lemonade and fruit bowl. But right now, i want to sleep" Seokjin yawned, stretching up his body. He hoped, Jungkook will join too. Maybe he didn't say it, but be wanted to get on the bed with Jungkook.

"You mean a nap?"

"No, 3 hours worth of sleep. Nap is short" Seokjin objected. Shaking his head in disagreement. 30 minutes cuddles is short. Nope.

"Oh, allow me to rephrase. Do you want to take a long nap with me?" Jungkook said, biting his lips when Seokjin squeezed his hand before nodding.

Jungkook felt like a high school teenage girl who experienced romance with their crush. He felt so giddy that it was unreal.

They settled on the bed, Seokjin's back on him. Hesitantly, Jungkook draped an arm over the curve of his waist. His palm pressing flat on Seokjin's stomach. The other shifted, turning over to face him.

Jungkook ran out of breath again. Something he don't think he did be able to stop everytime Seokjin was close to him. He is too beautiful that it knocked air out of Jungkook's lungs.

Seokjin nuzzled his head into his chest, sneaking his legs inbetween Jungkook's.

"This is nice" Seokjin muttered into his chest, sighing in content when Jungkook played with his hair.

He shyly smiled when Jungkook dropped a lingering kiss at the top of his head. He fall asleep like that. Leaving Jungkook awake for another hour, just admiring Seokjin's sleeping face.


Jungkook laid the mat under the big cherry tree at the park. Quite and hidden from people. Seokjin helped him to arrange the food they have brought on the mat, leaving a space for them to sit on.

Jungkook took out his Bluetooth speaker, connecting it to his phone and played a song. Seokjin recognised it.

'Beautiful by Crush' if this was Jungkook's way of telling him his feelings then Seokjin will not hesitate to tell him that he is not the only one feeling that way.

Jungkook's side profile was breathtaking. He looks utterly beautiful in his yellow knitted sweater and white jeans. Same to what Seokjin was having on. But he has a khaki coloured knitted sweater instead.

The breeze in fall was chilly, so Seokjin scooted closer to him - bushing their shoulders together. Jungkook turned to him with a smile, wrapping his arms around him. Seokjin giggled before he tangled their legs together, the balance was off right after that so they both fall on the mat. Still laughing.

With his head on Jungkook's chest, Seokjin can hear his frantic heartbeats.

"this could be us since 5 years ago hm?" Seokjin started off, looking up at Jungkook.

"It could, but maybe if this was us 5 years ago maybe now we are not like this right? Fate always play games" Jungkook said, rubbing Seokjin's back in circle.

"Seokjin, how was it when you were Carrying Seokjun?" he asked, now laying on his side to properly look at Seokjin.

Seokjin was abit taken aback by the sudden question, nonetheless he smiled.

"It was tough. But I didn't want to give up on the baby. He was innocent." He said with sigh. Seokjin started to trace patterns on Jungkook's chest, seeming to avoid looking into his eyes but Jungkook was fine with it.

"I couldn't do much work and need to cut off one of the part time job. I was short in money after that. The frequent cramps I have in the morning was almost unbearable. Sometimes, I can't sleep at night because I was craving to eat something. There were times I will force myself up to get it but most times I just sleep on because I don't have the money" Seokjin took a deep breath again. He voice was shaky and Jungkook blamed himself again and again.

Jungkook swallowed the lump in throat, his eyes were glassy by now. His hand stilled on Seokjin's back.

"As my tummy grew, my feet become swollen. It's hard to walk around at work and even to reach down to massage. When it was near to my due date, the contractions were crazy Jungkook. My neighbour was nice to me. She called ambulance when my water broke. But giving birth, knowing I have no one by my side hurts more. I almost took him with me, but I can't. He won't have the future with me, Jungkook ah. " Seokjin finished, wiping a few tears that slipped from his eyes.

Jungkook was crying too by now. He cupped Seokjin's cheeks,

" If I was there you don't have to go through that alone. I will be taking care of you, giving you massages and buy all the food you craved for. We can even go for your weekly exercise right.. I can talk to your tummy and carry you around when you can't walk. But I  wasn't there and you had to go through all of that alone. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" Jungkook apologised over and over again, tucking Seokjin safely in his arms. Seokjin fisted his sweater, he couldn't contain his own emotion and cried with Jungkook.

He pulled away to laugh, he found this situation abit silly. Crying about a past that can't be changed is silly.

"That's the past, Jungkook. In the future, let's try to be the best okay? Don't blame yourself anymore" He said, leaning to kiss Jungkook's damp cheek.

Who knew Jungkook can be such a crybaby.

"I promise to be here for you from now on. I will fulfill all of your cravings and take a good care of you" Jungkook said, a smirk of his face when Seokjin looked a little lost.

"Cravings? Why would I be having that....?"

"Second baby? I want atleast 4 kids." Jungkook laughed when Seokjin punched his chest - screaming curses.

"That's alot of pain, idiot" Seokjin said, shaking his head.

Jungkook fondly chuckled, kissing Seokjin's forehead before whispering

"I wish I can take abit of your pain, Jinnie. But I'm willing to share all the trouble, yeah?"

Seokjin wasn't going to let himself cry again so he ignored the urge.

"Thanks to you FAKE auction, I'm now here with Seokjun.. And I found you too" Seokjin has a smirk played on his lips when Jungkook jumped up to hover over him. Shock all over his face.

"How did you know about my dramatic entrance?!"

Seokjin laughed, rolled on his back and locked his hands around Jungkook's neck.

"Taehyung talked alot of shit about you"  Seokjin said, tugging Jungkook down so they can be closer.

Jungkook grunted, burying his face at the crook of Seokjin's neck. Not liking how Taehyung exposed him to Seokjin. He also don't like the fact that Taehyung and Seokjin talked alot. Seokjin is beautiful and kind, Taehyung is charming and sneaky. Not a good combination.

"I'm going to sew his mouth" he groaned, littering small kisses to Seokjin's flushed neck.

Damn Taehyung and his big mouth.

damn it tae. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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