*A large warship class cruiser mills about on the borders of Earths defense line. the Captain a tall thin man sighs as he walks about the bridge*
"Nothing to report sir scans are all clear"
*the constant drone of that line has bored its way into his head and the Captain sighs again rubbing his eyes. he wanted anything at all to break the monotony of this the boredom was driving him up the wall. he wanted something anything to do other then this. looking out across the dozens of turret platforms lining across Earths circumference did not ease this. besides the view of earth nothing else seemed to get rid of the boredom. walking down to the captains chair he sat down again assuming his post once more*
"Nothing...absolutely nothing....why are we even posted here...its not like someone is going to try and break through to Earth....nobodies that stupid or reckless..."
*he sighs and moves along the bridge once more. all along Earth sit defense turrets of various kinds: Plasma,Ballistic,laser,EMP and many more all automated by the Central Station a massive space station several miles from Earth and protected by Earths finest warships and fighters.moving along the crew of the warship are just as bored as the captain wanting something more...little did they know that they would be getting that wish.moments later a Blackwell Elite fighter ship warps in and began transmitting data to the warship for access. as they pass beyond the turrets and begin heading down to Earth another ship warps in this one massive in size nearly dwarfing the captains own warship. the Captain stares up at it as does the rest of the crew clearly awestruck tho some look pale. one of the crew memebers runs to the captain his face as white as snow and his face sweating*
"C-Captain! we have a huge problem!"
*the captain looks at him*
"No fucking shit Sherlock! whose ship is that!? somebody get me answers!"
*the crew begins to work immediately running scans and trying to identify the ship. a few moments later the same crew member comes back to the Captain shaking*
"C-Captain....that's a Goliath Class Warship.....there's only one known to be left in existence outside of museums and scrap yards....sir its The Exile's ship....its the Warriors Heart!"
*The Captain goes as white as the crew member as the member stares at him*
"Captain what are your orders?....Captain?"
*The Captain rights himself and swallows. he goes to speak but before he can all hell breaks loose. the Warriors Heart opens fire its cannons and turrets slamming into the warship and effectively wiping out several of the automated turrets surrounding Earth before the automated turrets begin to return fire*
*the crew begins to work in earnest having taken heavy damage already from several bolts of plasma and debris from the exploding turrets. they begin to open fire with thier own cannons and arsenal. aboard the Warriors Heart Harkon smiles grimly*
"Our shock and awe tactic has bought us some time but it won't last long. soon they will be calling in the other warships and our shields cannot withstand that much firepower. i estimate you have exactly ten minutes to get aboard one of my fighters and get down to Earth before they have a chance to properly mobilize. i will be sending down several troop pods but that's it after that i will be hyper traveling out of here......my men will signal me once they are done with the outer guards on the facility. my shock and awe will not work a second time so i will be using transport beams to get them on board. i will only have a small window to do so...i am afraid that once on Earth...your on your own kiddos"
*She smiles grimly again as Violetta,Shaoun,Dipper and Amara are suiting up and they all nod back in acknowledgement. moving quickly they hurry to the docking bay and climb aboard a fighter*
"Amara you know this is bloody insane right?"
*Violetta speaks calmly but the edge of excitement cannot be hidden and Amara smiles*
"I know it is...come on lets go save Jake"
*they all grin and launch. the fighter takes off like a bullet and speeds towards Earth. the automated turrets instantly lock on and go to open fire but explode as the Warriors Heart opens fire on them first. the warship that had been standing in their way was now nothing but space debris the crew getting its wish of being freed from boredom...just in a more or less deadly way. piloting the fighter carefully due to the slightly small space Shaoun navigates it past the destroyed turrets and begins the process of reentry into Earths atmosphere. moving quickly they speed down and pass through and Shaoun rights the fighter and goes a little slower just as Harkons voice crackles over the comms*
"OK once you got a lock on the facilities location send me it and i will send down the drop pods but make it quick you don't have alot of time left"
*Shaoun nods*
"Yes ma'am will do hang in there"
*piloting the fighter with the grace of a tiger he flies it northwest staying high in the sky to avoid further attention. moving on Amaras directions as they go they come upon a massive structure:nearly eight miles wide it is only about two stories high with Blackwells logo emblazoned brightly upon the flat metal roof and it seems to glare at them with hate. moving the ship a little closer down Shaoun transmits the location to Harkons ship*
"Got it stand by"
*after several moments the sky seems to light up in the dusk. several drop pods streak past them bright red and black and crash land in front of and a couple even on top of the facility. the troops within waste no time at all and pour out opening fire upon the Blackwell soldiers rushing out to meet them. Shaoun pilots the ship down to a safe area and they all jump out and rush towards the entrance swatting aside any of the Blackwell troopers who try to stop them.one of Harkons troopers run along side them*
"Names Major.Stone sir we will hold them off as long as we can"
*he grins as he hefts a massive warp hammer alot like Dippers and he looks at her grinning wider*
"nice to see others enjoy the same taste...now go move quickly!"
*He rushes off into the fray swatting aside several troopers at once laughing with glee. Dipper grins and goes to run inside when a Blackwell Elite steps out...the very same that had attacked Amara. it held the massive axe in its hands and began to cut down Harkons troops*
"Shaoun Violetta Amara get inside...i got this"
*she rushes off and meets the Elite head on the grin never leaving her face as her warp hammer is more then a match for his axe and the result is a massive clang of metal on metal that rings like a massive gong sending a shock-wave out.Shaoun shakes his head smiling and runs inside with Amara and Violetta. inside the facility is just like Amara remembers:dark sleek walls line every inch of it windows are sparse and few between the floors solid stone. moving quickly they begin to head towards the rear of the building...the Experimental Labs where Jake would be held*
"They only just got here so they shouldn't have had any time to do anything to him if we move fast we can-"
*But Amara is cut off as they enter a large brightly room filled with Blackwell soldiers and Enforcers one of the Elites standing with them this one carrying a huge hammer. he grunts and Shaoun smiles*
"Alright then...you two move on this ones mine"
*Violetta and Amara nod and take off. several of the guards go to stop them but Shaoun moves in quickly cutting them down*
"Good luck Amara....you will need it"
*with that he begins his flurry of attacks never once looking back. only two now Violetta nad Amara quickly move down the endless corridors and rooms trying to reach the Labs.outside it looks as if a war is raging. both Harkons men and Blackwells troops have taken casulties but still both sides fight on, Harkons troops starting to push back Blackwells troopers and Dipper fighting back the Elite and winning. it goes by a few more moments before Dipper at last gets the upper hand and crushes the Elites skull under her hammer. grinning she joins the fray helping Harkons troops as they cheer. back inside Shaoun fights back the horde of on coming troopers with ease and soon only the Elite stands. with a roar like an animal it charges forward and engages Shaoun. moving with the speed of a tiger and then striking with the precision of a serpent Shaoun easily fights back. it does not take long before the Elite falls back unable to keep up and eventually is cut down my Shaoun. bowing in respect Shaoun rushes back outside to join Dipper and Harkons forces. Amara and Violetta rush down another hall and take a left finally coming upon the Labs. it is a massive room taking up a huge space nearly a quarter of a mile long in every direction. scientists mill about with nearly a full platoon of soldiers guarding them and watching over subjects. it comes as quite the shock when Amara and Violetta burst in. they have no time to react as they both attack without relenting beating back the guards and wiping out the scientists. moving quickly they search for Jakes vat as they fight. it is Violetta who spots it nearly at the far end of the Labs. fighting their way to it the remaining scientists and guards run from the room trying to escape the slaughter. panting and exhausted Amara walks up to the vat putting her hands on it*
"Love...love im here...were gonna get you out of here"
*her and Violetta begin to secure it. outside the troopers are beaten and Harkons forces are cheering....but it is not over....not for any of them....deep within the facility a man sits upon a throne like chair. he is huge every inch of him covered in armor as black as night a massive sword at his side. the only indication he is even alive is the steady rise and fall of his chest as he sits the sockets of the helm as dark as the armor. wires connect to him and lights blink gently.as the others celebrate outside and Amara tries to get Jakes vat moving a single blue light ignites on a screen in front of the massive form.it flashes several times then stops. on it sits a single sentence: Activate Project Night-walker. the order flashes once then twice then blinks out and every light in the room goes out....moving up we stare into the empty sockets of the great creature sitting upon the throne....and its eyes open igniting in a glowing cyan as it awakens*

Omega 17
Ciencia FicciónThe Year is 2065 and Humans have branched out to the stars and vast world that is space. but not all is well. wars erupt all over the galaxy and a new race has appeared: Metahumans genetically and experimentally altered humans created by Blackwell C...