who I like!!??

125 7 4

(Y/n) pov

I sighed. I shifted in the comfortable chair I'm in. The chair was red and was made of a velvet substins, kinda like a couch but smaller. Why are the chairs so soft and comfortable, isn't this supposed to be the hunters exam?

Hisoka was sitting across from me and illumi beside me. Suddenly a optimistic girl appered. " hey! I'm your host today and will be asking the questions!" She spoke in an annoying tone. I don't like these kind of people, Gon's okay, but she was just plain out annoying. She had curly blonde hair in pigtails tied with red ribons, green eyes, she had fair skin and a showy red dress that hugged her curves and red lipstick. She looked to be 20.

"So let's start now! Wait! I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Maria(sorry if your name is maria)" she fluttered her eyelashes in a flirty-ish way. " okay now then, the first question will go to...hmm, number 44!" Hisoka had an annoyed look on his face, his eyebrow was twiching. I wouldn't blame him, she is annoying after all...

She sat down in a chair next to hisoka. "So 44, what's your reason in trying the hunters exam after last year's fail?" Hisoka just looked like his normal self and answered." So I can get a hunters licence of course." " yeah but-" " that was one question." Hisoka cut her off.

I giggled but tried to hid it. I'm a master at hiding my feelings but when it comes to laughing I can't. I stared laughing from that giggle. I snorted and laughed even harder, and I fell to the floor. Hisoka looked at me like I was crazy and illumi had an actual reaction he looked at me with worry? Nah probably not- he started to help me back in my chair...I had the most shocked look ever.

What the...the girl just glared at me for laughing at her and my face was frozen, due to still being shocked that illumi helped me. " okay, 102 (that's you number if you forgot) who do you like" I blushed like a mad lad, grabbed the hotsauce and chugged to whole thing...

I will definitely regret this later. It was so spicy. My fave was red from the blushing and the hotness of the hotsauce..."y-you didn't have to chug the whole thing." Maria looked at me like I just died.

"Can we just forget this ever happened..?" I look at the people surrounding me. They all nod their heads simulationsly."well then number 399 (wait Is that illumi 's number I forgot?lol) what is your true identity?" She smirked at him knowing that wasn't his true form.

Illumi took a needle out of his head and the next thing he did shocked me, he threw it at her heart, it slid trough her heart, skin, and hit the wall. The girls body went limp and fell to the floor." Wait doesn't that-" a speaker cut me off." No he can still participate In the exam. That was a host not a examiner."ohh well that was kinda cruel. " I can't revel my identity." Illumi spoke in his monotone voice like usual.

"Well okay then..." It was kinda awkward. acually really awkward. "Let's continue then." Hisoka was just as normal as he is. Well I wouldn't say that he's normal, more like. Creepy, well that he is, but that's just one thing. Hmm. Wait I got it." Creepy, pedo, stalker, clown." Oh shit did I say that out loud?

I look around to see if anyone heard me. To my misfortun hisoka and illumi did hear me. " well that's quite rude." Hisoka looked annoyed. Illumi looked like he couldn't contain his laughter and was shaking slightly from holding it in.

"Let's just continue." I said a little embarrassed for talking aloud. We walk around to find an exit. Fortunately there was a door right across the room so we didn't have to blast a wall away and get the chairman angry.

Once we were out of the room we went stright ahead and took a couple of turns. Until we finally came to a door wich was made out of steel and smelt of metal. We had to use majority rule for this one, hisoka pressed the left button and illumi did the same. I can see why though, you can feel a slight brezz from the last one and nothing from the other. I also press the left button.

The door opens up and we're met with the waiting place as I remember from the anime." Hisoka number 44 first. Gitreraciter 399 second. Syn 202 third." The voice said(I still don't know his name) yes we're finished the 3rd phase.


Okay sorry for the delayed update but it's here. Hopefully I can post more cause my school is closed. But anyway I just wanna say thank you for reading this far if you did and I don't plan on discontinuing this stoy and want it to go on even after the manga, so please read the whole story even if you have to wait. Thanks for reading and ja ne p.s sorry for the bad wrighting, I plan on Editing it later. Have a good day ja ne for the hundredth time, ja ne I can't stop saying it damn it. JA NE.

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