22-Determination (Y/N & Clementine)

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A/N- From here on out I wanna do something totally different, yep things will be very different, meaning character deaths in the show, main points in the show, script, story line in general, cause this is gonna be hard doing all the stuff in the series with different people. So I'm gonna write my own stuff. Another reason that I'm gonna change some things is to avoid copy write and different claims so i'm gonna say it again all characters belong to Robert Kirkman the creator, write and producer of The Walking Dead series and game. and question should i do the trailer stuff that TWD does. Like the "Next time" and "Previously" stuff, comment down if I should. And another thing I kept calling Dwight, Dwayne. Sorry if you guys were triggered by that I made a mistake so just forget i called him and and lets get on with his real name.

Y/N's POV:

It was quiet today. The people of Alexandria were behind me walking and following me to Hilltop. I look back to see the people slowly walking. They're tired, hungry and sad. I look ahead of us and see the long road we have. I turn back to see Dwight still following us. Dwight may have been a Savior but he doesn't want the bloodshed, he wants Negan to stop this, but Negan still think he's with him. If Dwight was gone to long it would look to suspicious. "Dwight you need to head back to the Sanctuary." I said the the savior. "If Negan is planning any attack soon you have to tell us." I said to the savior. Dwight nodded and walked off away from us. Hilltop is close. I could see the walls of them. Daryl, Rosita, Tara, Maggie, Enid, Jesus and the others are at Hilltop expected Rick but they don't know the attack at all. Too much is going on. One second we're have a normal day at Alexandria then the next we're under orders and almost dead. We have to stop Negan but we need to get, guns, weapons anything to defend ourselves. Without Eugene here we don't have any knowledge to make bullet's. Damn that smart guy. Negan has turned him against us too. He's tried that with me but it wouldn't work. Negan will literally try anything to get his power.

We made it to the gates of Hilltop and see like I said Daryl, Rosita, Tara, Maggie, Enid and Jesus were there with the biggest look of confusion. The people of Alexandria walked in while I pulled Daryl, Rosita, Tara, Maggie, Enid and Jesus away from them.
"What happened I thought we were just supposed to see Rick not all of Alexandria." Jesus asked in his confused state but soon enough he and the other saw my face written in Anger, Sadness and Fear. "Negan." Was all I said. "He tried to blow up Alexandria." After I said that the other soon realized why my face had the expression I  had. "Where Rick, Y/N?" Daryl asked with a little anger and impatient. "Saying goodbye to Carl." I said softly and quietly. Then you couldn't hear a thing. They all except Enid clicked on it. "Y/N what do you mean by that?" Enid asked knowing something was wrong. Clementine decided to take this one. "Enid I think we should talk for a second." Clementine said pulling her away. Once they were away from the rest I looked at them. "How?" Was all Daryl asked. I looked at him and replied. "He was bit." Maggie looked away, Daryl shook his head, Tara and Rosita were upset and Jesus scowled. "It was before Negan came yesterday. He saved him." I said pointing to Siddiq. "The damn attack weakened him." I said looking back at the other. "Goddamn it!" Daryl yelled out. "Is Gregory still cowering?" I asked looking at Jesus. He only nodded. I sighed and look over to Clem and Enid and see Enid crying. "We need him to understand what's going on cause if he keeps this up everyone will be against him." Y/N said looking at the group in front of him. Maggie scoffed. "Please, every one here is more willing to follow Rick than be here with Gregory." Y/N nodded at Maggie. "Alexandria is down but not out we're gonna get this fucker." Y/N said to them. Daryl gave a slight chuckle. "Geez kid you really are a badass."

Clementine's POV:

After I told Enid the news I went to the others who were sitting silently. "How they take it?" Javi asked. I shook my head and replied. "Enid didn't take it to well, Y/N is telling the others that we need to convince Gregory that we need his help to fight back." They nodded. "How'd it get to this?" Violet asked. "We were just happily living in the walls of Alexandria and then out come that dickwad and makes us do his own work." The others nodded. "Once we get the chance we're going to put this fucker in the ground." Aaron said. I was about to say something until Y/N walked over. "Rick and Michonne are on their way." He announced. "We may need to venture out to find others for help we may have more people but we don't have the gun power." Other than Alexandria, Hilltop and the Kingdom we don't have much help. I looked over to the main house and see Gregory peeking out at us. Y/N takes notice of it and glares up at the man. "You guys stay here. Clem follow me." Y/N said walking towards the main house. I was confused at first. "What are you up to Y/N?" I asked. He sighed heavily and answered. "To talk to Gregory the bastard is acting like Reggie." He said as he opened the door. We walked up the stairs and Y/N knocked on the door. It was a few seconds before Gregory opens it. "You again." He says ready to close the door but Y/N blocks it and pushes it open. "What are you so scared of?" He said walking inside which made Gregory back up. Even though Y/N is 17 now his height is taller than most of the men here with him being 6 foot even. "Scared of what?" He asks acting innocent as if he didn't know anything. "Stop with the lying Gregory. You're a grown ass man you have people who follow you, and you're letting Negan walk over you like your a mat. If your we're the man you say you are you'd help us and not sit on the side lines." Y/N said as he backed Gregory into his desk. Gregory glared at Y/N but like always Y/N didn't move a muscle at the glare. "My town my rules what I say goes it's your fault in general for starting this war." Gregory brags. I chuckle at that and walk over. "That what you think Gregory. It was your town. The people of your town have been more scared of Negan then what you'll do. They would rather listen to Maggie and Jesus that to a wimp like you Gregory. " I said walking over to them. "Before you know your gonna be the only one by yourself while everyone else fights for the life they want." With that Y/N and I left Gregory in his office.

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