Chapter 36

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"Everything alright?" Dalton called from the bathroom. "No. Not really." I sighed, staring down at my phone. "And why is that?" He asked, leaning on the door frame. "Emily isn't Emily anymore. She's been giving me anxiety." I explained, feeling tears. "What do you mean?" Dalton questioned. "She's been lying to me, she insulted my religion to my face and gave me a small apology and she's just been nonstop hurting me." I explained, again, letting a tear fall. "Hey, hey. None of that." Dalton said rushing over to me, wiping away my tear. "It just hurts. I thought she cared about me for all these years." I cried. "She did." He protested. "No. All she did was lug me around. I was nothing to her. I was just a ghost." I fought back. "Are you gonna give her a second chance?" He asked. "I already did. She failed. Said she would change for me and didn't at all." I said sternly. "Then, she's not worth it." Dalton stated, "End it. Friends should bring happiness not pain." I nodded. "You're right. She isn't my friend. Ever since we moved out she hasn't been my friend. She's not worth it." I agreed. I pulled out my phone and texted her. I'm done. Drop me. I don't want to be your friend. You've hurt me too much. I'm done. We're not friends. "There I ended it." I said, showing the text to Dalton. "Good. I swear it will be better for you." Dalton smiled at me. I tried to smile back,but I burst into tears. "Oh no. Alright. Its okay. She doesn't deserve you." He explained, pulling me into a hug. "I know that. It just hurts." I choked out. "I know, it will for a while, but it will be better. Know that I'm here for you though." He rubbed my back gently. "I know that, too and that's why I love you." I sniffled. Dalton smiled and leaned down to kiss me. I kissed him back, smiling against his lips. "You're all I need." I whispered. "Same to you." He whispered back.

My phone rang. Emily: I hope we can make.... I reached for it. "Don't answer it." Dalton said, grabbing my hand. " I just want to tell her off. I don't want her to believe we can ever be friends again." I explained. "Alright, but after that you're turning off your phone and we're gonna have a date day. I'm gonna make you feel happy alright?" He scolded. I read the text. It was just as I expected. Well, I hope we can make up and be friends in the future. I shook my head and felt tears, again. I texted back. No. We can't and will never be friends again. You hurt me so badly, that when I see you all I see is pain. I can't think of one moment of happiness we had. Goodbye, never talk to me again. I turned off my phone and let a tear fall. I started sobbing once again because the pain was just too much. After 6 years of thinking she was my friend, I find out everything was a lie. Nothing she ever told me was true. She used me for something I still don't know. Whenever I tried to help her she pushed me away by lying to me to get me off her back, when all I wanted to do was help my so called "best friend." I can't believe I thought we would grow old together and we would still be amazingly close. Every moment I felt love from her was fake. Though this is a pain I'll have to get over and even though I may never get rid of all of the pain, I'll be happier than when I was Friends with Emily Lynn Stevens, that's for fucking sure.


Dalton pulled me into a hug. "No more, please. You're too beautiful to cry." He whined. "I'm sorry. It just hurts so much." I sobbed into his chest. "I know, but you're better without her." He comforted me. " I know that. I'm not crying because I'll miss her. I'm crying because she hurt me. I will never miss her." I said, still sobbing. " Ok. well. Let it out and try to calm down." Dalton said, rubbing my back. I nodded slowly as I wiped my tears away. "How about we go get ice cream? Would you like that?" He asked, like I was 4. "Yes. I would like that a lot." I nodded. "Ok. Well how about you get ready. Of course after you're all calmed down and we'll go get ice cream." He explained, again like it was my first day of preschool. I nodded again and started to regulate my breathing. I calmed down and got changed out of my pjs. I changed into sweats and a sweatshirt I stole from Dalton. I grabbed my hairbrush off my dresser and noticed a bestfriend necklace that I use to share with Emily. "Hey, Dalton?" I called from our bedroom. "Yea?" He answered. "Do you have a shoe box or any kind of box?" I asked. "Yea, but why?" He yelled back. "I wanna put everything Emily gave me into a box. Don't wanna lay my eyes on things she gave me." I explained. "Aright. I'll go find one." Dalton understood. I brushed out my hair and put it in messy bun. Dalton came into our bedroom with the biggest box he could find. "Here you are." Dalton said, handing me the box. "Thank you, baby." I said, throwing the necklace in the box. Along with the necklace was a bracelet, hair clip, confirmation card (She's a satanist so it didn't mean anything to her. She also believes anything that is catholic or christian is all about hating the gays and creating the world and that they're shit!) a picture of us in middle school and lastly, another necklace. I closed the box.


"Where can we put this? Particularly where I won't see it every minute of the day?" I asked. "Uh. In the storage closet where a got the box out of." Dalton suggested. "Incredible idea." I smiled and walked over to the storage closet. I stuffed it in there and slammed the door. "Alright so, no more sad, just anger." Dalton sighed. "Oh shut up and lets go get Ice cream." I mumbled angrily. "Ok, not trying to be rude, but are you on your period?" He asked. "No. I'm actually not, asshole." I said walking into the kitchen. "Are sure you don't want to go check?" He rudely asked again. "Are sure you want to sleep on the couch tonight?" I yelled back. "Alright, nevermind." Dalton said, dropping everything he just said to me. "That's what I thought. You sexiest bastard." I yelled. Dalton walked into the kitchen, gobsmacked. "I love you!" I said, kissing his cheek. "Its hard to tell sometimes." He teased. "Oh shut up!" I grumbled. He smiled down at me. "I love you, too, Theo." He pulled me into a tight hug. "You're so small." He teased, one again. "Do I have to tell you to shut up for a 3rd time?" I complained. "Nope. Now lets go." He whined, pulling me out the door. He pulled me all the way to the car. We went and got ice cream together and then went to see a funny movie. He really did make me feel happier. I was finally away from my own demon, finally free from the vine of throns. I felt happy and relieved. I coud finally have a non-stressful day, after so many days full of fucking stress she caused me. I honestly love him to bits and pieces. Thanks, Dalton.

So as you can probably see this chapter was completely based on a ruined friendship. Every way Theodora was hurt was exactly how I was hurt. She called my religion shit to my face and lied to me so much that it was unbelievable. This Chapter shows the whole situation exactly how it went except for the characters names. (I know what you're probably thinking. Wtf? Carly? This is not a situation you should tell everybody!) But it's actually good for me to let this out. I use to tend to bottle up my anger until I got anxiety and had trouble breathing calmly. So letting this out helps me.

Sorry that I let out my feelings to you. I love you all and hope you have a wonderful life and don't have to go through what I went through. (But if you have to, ITS WORTH IT) Thanks for reading!! I love you all so much


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