Chapter 24

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About a week later they started fitting me for my prosthetic leg.The doctor tried all different legs, white colored ones, skin colored ones, and even multi-colored ones. Finally, he found the perfect prosthetic leg, as he described. It was white colored with no design or anything on it at all. Before he attached the leg, he put something that made me think of it as under where for my thigh. But really what it was doing was helping my fake leg stay on. The doctor somehow attached it to what was left of my leg, don't ask me how he did it. "Now, try to stand up." He said. I slowly tried to stand up but, the leg couldn't support me so I fell back into my wheel chair. "I can't." I told the doctor. "Ok, we'll sign you up for rehab to help you learn how to walk with your new leg." He explained pulling out all different papers. "So does that mean I'm still staying at the hospital?" I groaned. "No, you can go home but, use crutches like you normally would." He said. "Ok, thank you!" i thanked him happily. "We'll let you out by tomorrow morning and we'll call you about the rehab ok?" He made sure I understood. I nodded and a nurse came and pushed me back to my room.


"Thank you." I said as she helped me into my bed. She left and I grabbed my phone. I dialed Dalton's number and waited for him to pick up. "Hello?" He answered. "Hi, guess what?" I excitedly exclaimed. "What?" He asked. "I'll be out of the hospital by tomorrow morning!!" I squealed. "Awesome, I can't wait to see you!!" he laughed. "Yea, the only annoying thing is that I have to go to rehab for my prosthetic leg." I groaned. "Awe, okay well, I'll text you later, me and the boys were just playing video games." Dalton explained. "Hahaha, ok go beat their asses!" I laughed into the phone. "I love you, bye!" He sweetly said. "I love you too! bye!" I said back. After that, we hung up. Since there was nothing to do in the hospital I decided to take a nap.

Emily's P.O.V

Since, Theodora has been in the hospital me and Will have been hanging out more often. I actually started to grow a crush on him. He just suddenly became attractive to me. The more we hanged out the more handsomer he got.

The whole day today I sat in my room watching the most randomnest things I found on Netflix. It first started out with the movie Sharknado, then went to another movie about a killer car tire called Rubber, and the rest were just too hard to explain. After finishing my fourth random movie I got a text from Theo.

T:Theo E:Emily


T: Guess what?!?!

E: A frog at all our nutella and turned into a handsome prince?

T: No, but that wouLD BE AWESOME

E: Yes it would, but whats the real news?

T: I'm leaving the hospital tomorrow morning!


T: Yes, because I was there first and Its torture isn't it?

E:Yes!! I have to hold back all my girl talk!!

T:Believe it or not, I use to go to Dalton when I needed girl talk.


T:What? He listened!

E:I'll make sure to ask him about it later.

T: Okay, well I'm gonna take a nap, Bye!




A few minutes later, there was a knock on my door. I opened the door to be greeted by smiling Will. "Hey, I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out with us." He said. "Oh, sure why not!" I giggled, "What are you guys doing?"  "We're just playing video games." Will explained. "Awesome!! What game?!?" I jumped up excitedly. "GTA 5, I'm basically just watching them play." Will laughed. "Well, I'm going to play and beat their asses. So, lets go!!" I cheered, grabbing his hand. I ran down stairs with Will following behind. "Look out!! I wanna play!!" I yelled, jumping onto the couch. "Oooo! are we being challenged by a girl??" Cole joked.


"Yea, a girl who's good at video games!!" I threw back at him, grabbing a controller. "Well, well, let's see how good you are then!" Dana said. They restarted the game and we all went into to try hard mode. As we played, Will was screaming for us to watch out and saying how good or bad we were. "SHUT UP, WILL!!!" We all scolded him at once. Finally, the first round was over and I came out to be the winner. "OHHH!!! Look at me, now BOYZZZ!!!" I screamed into their faces. "No! Nuh uhh!! Re-match now!!" Dalton yelled back at me. "Ok, let's go!" I spat back. The 2nd round started and we went crazy. "NO!! GET OUT OF MY WAY!!" Cole yelled at Gabe. "NO! I WAS THERE FIRST." Gabe yelled back. The room sounded like the crowd at the Super Bowl. When, the 2nd round ended, I was the winner again. "Oh! Oh! Oh! I'm a girl and I beat your ass! HA!" I sang, gloating my victory. "NO! NOT FAIR!" Gabe yelled. "Oh well! I'm going to warm up pizza, so play without me." I said walking to the kitchen.


I warmed up a piece of pizza and poured myself a cup of root beer. I sat down at the table and creeped on my phone. "Hello again!" Will said walking into the kitchen. "What do you want?" I asked taking a huge bite of my pizza. "What? I can't hang out with?" He responded. "Relax, I'm kidding!" I giggled. Will came over and sat next to me. " You're really pretty, you know that." Will randomly complimented me. I almost spit out the root bear I was drinking. "What?!?" I blurted, shocked. "You're really pretty!" He said again. "You really mean that?" I asked, still very shocked. "Yea, that would be a horrible thing to lie about." Will pointed out. "Awe, well thank you! You're not bad looking yourself." I blushed. "Thank you! And another thing." He started to say. "Yes?" I said. "Will you go out with me?" He asked, nervously. This time I did spit out my root beer, all over my pizza. "Oh my god! You ok?" Will almost yelled. I accidentally scared the crap out of him. "Yea, I'm fine just a little suprised." I said through the embarrassment. "So, was that a yes or a no?" Will laughed. "Of course its a yes!!" I squealed.


Hello guys!!! How you guys like my new chapter?? And how are you feeling?? Thanks for reaing!! I love you!! ~ Carlene

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