Chapter one

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Chapter one

Angelina P.O.V

As me and my siblings walk to our house, we are trying to decide either to go home or stay with our Aunt Ana. We just got out of school, so we never want to go to our own house willingly, we don't want to face our father and his wife.

"*We should just go to titi house I'm sure she won't mind us staying with her she knows our situation*"my twin sister Angelica said suddenly.

"*Call her and tell her that we are on our way to her house we have clothes over there, so we don't need to worry about going home to get some*"I said to my older brother Angelo.

Let me tell you why we don't want to go to our house. It all started two years ago when our mother died of cancer. At first my father was always there , making sure we were okay , after two months everything changed he started seeing someone and eventually they got together , at first she was nice , helping us out , being there for us , but things started going down hill when her and our dad started physically and mentally abusing us for no reason , were good kids. We couldn't take it so we have been staying with our aunt and uncle sometimes but eventually he'd force us to go home. Whenever we are home we just go upstairs to Angelinas and my room and watch Netflix shows on my phone. So basically, Angelo has been taking care of us for two years , working non stop after school , feeding us , helping us with whatever we needed so we can have food and clothes and a better life. My aunt has been trying to keep us in her house cause she doesn't want her only nieces and nephews to die in the hands of her ex brother in law.

"*Did you call her what did she say*" I asked Angelo.

"*Titi Ana said that we can always stay with her Lina, she also wanted me to tell y'all that's y'all both don't work today she called and asked*" Angelo said.

"*Good that means we could relax and just chill*" Angelica yawned.

"*Hey um would you guys want to have our traditional siblings sleepover?*" I asked sheepishly.

"*Yess we haven't had one since mami died , Ive been dying to have one but we all been so busy with work , school , and the baby*" Angelica said smiling and hugging herself.

Angelina and Angelo started talking about what we can watch and eat and what time to get the baby. We would always got excited when one of us asks or mami wanted to have a sleepover , this sibling sleepover started when our mom celebrated Angelos eighth birthday , Angelica and I were was six at the time , it started when Angelo got sick and we wouldn't leave his side so we all slept in one room. Our mother always told us that we have to stick together no matter what . My siblings and i have always stuck together ever since, if one of us got sick we all stay home, if one of us have a problem we all solve it together , we are attached to the hip. We take care of each other even if we are mad at each other. Angelo being the oldest he's have always been the more responsible one.

"*Lani were here*" Angelica said while waved me out of my thoughts into reality.

I looked up and seen them hugging my Aunt who had a sweet smile on her face, I smiled back and walk up to her giving her a hug.

"*Hey Titi bendición thanks for letting us stay with you*" I said walking into our house.

*"You guys never need to thank me mamas yall are family , we always stick together so y'all are welcome to sleep here I made sure you guys have a room for a reason nena so whenever you want to stay you can just come in and stay , we are family now go change so we can eat Angelina told me you guys are having the special sibling sleepover"* Titi said smiling then kissing my forehead.

*"I know I'm sorry titi and yeah I wanted to do it cause we haven't done it, since mami died and we really need it since we all miss her so much , and so we are doing it today since it's Friday and we none of us work today"* I said smiling and looking at some of my favorite people in the living room who were sitting on the couch watching spongebob.

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