Being in the broom closet

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"You know that God is always real, no matter what your peers may think, right?"

"Witchcraft is against Gods will. Even pretending to do it will have you punished."

"There is only one God, ours."

Being in the broom closet is a figure of speech based off of the LGBTQ+ term being in the closet, but instead of being gay, you're a witch. 

Being in the broom closet, especially in a super religious family, is tough. Lots of people can't tell anyone else, even their friends about their practices without getting mocked for being delusional.

It's even worse if you have a family like mine. They are two of the most Christian people I know, quoting the bible left and right. For starters, my dad's first prospect for a job was a fcuking pastor, and he probably would've gotten it, seeing as he has a Master's in Theology. There's no way in Hel they can ever know about anything here... 

I thought it was bad not coming out with my sexuality and gender identity, but my parents have me even more terrified now as a closet pagan. The biggest fear I had for coming out as gay was based upon two tiny little sentences I misheard. But I've heard the directly make fun of, and diss pagans. In fact, they even hate other branches of Christianity.

I look around on WitchTok a lot for tips and even some people post their BOSs (Book of Shadows) on Wattpad that I can see. However, most of the advice correlates to group practice, which, being in the Texas of Canada, is very difficult.

Thankfully, I get no judgement from my school friends! In my group we're very diverse, us four, so there's no room for discrimination! We have a black person a Jewish person, a Chinese person and a white person, but that only covers our racial backgrounds, not who we really are. We have cis and trans, gay and straight, and binary and non-binary. We have a Christian person, an atheist, a Jewish person (I'm resaying this, idk why) and me, a pagan! 

So at school and online is where I get most of my support ig. Yee. Thanks for letting me rant my dudes.

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