Chapter 5- Betrayal, Feelings, and Growing Friendship.

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Hey everyone, during the past few weeks have been stressful, I'm pouring my emotions into this chapter, if it seems to sad, then I'm sorry.

Elandra turned around quickly and approached Lou, holding her textbooks tighter.
"Lou! I-I...I can explain!.." She said, stuttering.

"Elandra- look at me..." He said, and she did exactly that.
"You were the perfect doll, with a perfect reputation, beautiful eyes..."
He looked at her into her eyes.
"...Beautiful hair..."
He touched her hair, these actions made her flustered.
"And, a beautiful face." He then quickly frowned.
"But you ruined the one important thing, your reputation. I can't believe it..." He massaged his temple. "I told you not to do this! You can't be friends with them! They are outcast!"

"Then why did you welcome them here?" She shook her head.
"Because..!..i'm a kind leader, their stay is temporary here until they understand their limits." He said, furrowing his eyebrows.
"And I was nice to you a warning, and not taking your mistake as a imperfection, but your obviously are too dumb to understand that..."

Ouch, that hurt.
The two made eye contact, Lou having a angry expression on his face while Elandras bottom lip trembled, and tears swelling in her eyes.

Lou noticed and seemed kind of shocked and regretful, opening his mouth to say something, but she spoke first.

"Lou...I wanted to be kind, I wanted to help...those dolls had no one else to help them, to study with them, or anything like that! I don't care if I'm perfect, at least I-I was a good friend." Elandra said as her soft large eyes couldn't handle the pools of tears that formed in her eyes..
So they just came out, dripping down her cheek.
She turned around and took a step before Lou grabbed her by her arm.
"Elandra!- I...-" "Save it!...I've seen your true colors Lou, I won't expose you...since I'm at least somewhat nicer than what I see in you." She said, before pulling her arm away and walking away.

That didn't feel real to Elandra at all.
To be honest, she only knew him for a short amount of time, and he already made her cry for the first time.

Elandra wiped her now damp cheek as more tears formed but she refused to let them out as she walked fast towards her house.

Lou's P.O.V
I just made the perfect doll, Elandra, cry.
She made a mistake, a mistake I didn't want her to make, or anyone else to make.
But she was different, she was kind, even though she is she shouldn't have given more power to those Ugly Dolls!
But...when I began to see her cry, I felt guilty almost, a emotion I haven't explored yet.
It made my heart sink, like chains pulling them down.

What am I thinking? I am Louis. The leader of these pathetic dolls, this one girl shouldn't bring me down! I can do what I want, I can control my feelings, I won't let her make me weak..

Authors P.O.V
Elandra kept walking fast as she wanted to hold in her tears before she could go home,
But a voice stopped her.
"Elandra?" Someone familiar said.
Elandra turned around and saw...
As her eyes grew large her tears spilled out, Mandy looked worried.
"Oh my-" she hugged Elandra, Elandra not knowing what to do.
"W-What happened?"She asked as she held Elandras hands.


"...I thought you were perfect..."

"Take your time, I'm listening" Mandy reassured her as she fixed her glasses, sharing a soft smile.
Elandra sighed.
"I made what Lou calls...a mistake...for being kind to those different dolls" Elandra explained as Mandy nodded.

"They just-..the seemed so lonely with no friends from here! Trying to get there way around, and Tuesday, Kitty, and Lydia were so rude towards them, especially Tuesday." Elandra continues.

" didn't make a mistake, in my opinion, Lou is full of toxic energy, I know I shouldn't think that but I think there is more to being perfect! You did the right thing." Mandy said
"And those girls...I was friends with them, they were always on Lou's side all the time, wanting to get his attention. I began to realize that's all they cared about, and I realized that this is all lies." She shared.
"But...I guess it's all worth it to meet our human." She said.

Elandra understood, but she felt off about what Mandy shared.
"So we are just going to let Lou fill each doll with these toxic ideas? T-That ever doll has to be perfect?" Elandra said.
Mandy was looking for words for a second.
"You know, you have a point! I believe we shouldn't let these dolls be treated this way, we have to make a change!" Mandy said.
"Yeah!" Elandra agreed.
"I think...we should find out the real reason why Lou is like this, why he thinks perfection is the only reason a human will want you." Mandy grinned.

"I think...

It's a plan." Elandra nodded.

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