Chapter 2

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A little back story...

Kwon Eunbi. It had to be his childhood crush. Other than his grandma, Eunbi is one of the other people that spent a lot of time with him during his younger days.

Being a boy from the city and suddenly living in a village environment can be hard for a kid. One day you have the pleasure of air conditioning, the next thing all you have is just a ceiling fan.

The presence of a toilet with seat is replaced with a squatting one. Not to mention mosquitoes in the summertime is annoying as heck.

But the toughest thing he had to face is the lack of peers around him.

It's not that there's no other kids in the village, it's just him being from the city and all of that makes him feel like he's not going to click well with the other kids.

He always played alone around his grandma's house until one day a girl approaches him.

"Why do you always play alone." The girl asks him innocently. "B-because the others don't want to play with me." It surprised him, a random girl just spoke out of nowhere.

"Have you tried asking them?" She talked again.

"No." He answered.

"Of course they don't play with you, you didn't ask them. Come on let's go to them!" She pulled his hands but he resisted.

"I'm s-shy." He's never the one to start a conversation, all of this is worrying for him.

"Hmmm how about I'll be the one to play with you for the time being? When you're ready, then we go play with the others." She was pretty smart for a young girl.

"O-okay." He agreed with a blushing face.

"I'm Kwon Eunbi, 10 years old. What's your name?" She extended her right arm wanting a handshake.

"Jo Y/N, 8 years old." He held out his hands and both of them shake hands.

"You're two years younger than me, so you should call me noona okay?" She said to him. "O-okay noona." He obeyed.

That's where it started. Everytime he spends his time with his grandma there's always Eunbi with them. From primary school to middle school but sadly they kinda drifted apart during highschool.


Probably that's the reason why he's so surprise right now. Not seeing her for a year or two but then suddenly seeing her right now in front of his eyes.

"Hi kids, missed me?" She wriggles her eyebrows.

"Unnie!!" Yuri runs towards her window and hugs her. "Ya! At least give me a chance to come out first before hugging me." She embraces Yuri's hug before opening the door and coming out.

"Wow look at you all tall and handsome now. You've always been shorter than me." She's looking at Y/N from top to bottom.

"I'm a man now, what'd you expect?" He chuckled.

"Unnie don't compliment him too much, his ego is already so big." Yuri chimed in on their conversation.

"If that's the case then I should just praise Yuri here. You're so beautiful and fluffy." She played with Yuri's soft cheeks.

"Tchh~ open up the trunk please, I want to put our stuff." Y/N snickered at the two girls while pulling his and Yuri's suitcase behind him.

"Somebody's in a hurry." Eunbi popped the trunk open and Yuri runs to the front passenger seat since she wants to sit shotgun.

"We miss grandma. Can't wait to see her." Happiness can be seen on Yuri when she said that. Y/N closed the trunk and sat on the backseat of the car.

"Alright fasten your seatbelts and we will be on our way!" Eunbi acting like she's providing some kind of tour guide service.

It'll only took 15 minutes from the station to their grandma's place by car. Now they just need to enjoy the drive.


"There she is." Their grandma can be seen waiting in front of her lawn. After Eunbi parked the car, Yuri immediately ran to her to give her a hug.

"Look at my granddaughter! You've grown so much."

"I'm prettier too." Yuri responded to her grandma.

"You are! If you're this beautiful right now, I can't imagine what you'll look like when you're older." The old lady scans Yuri from top to bottom.

"Stop complimenting her grandma, she's going to be more arrogant if you continue." Y/N walking to the both of them.

Yuri hit her brother in his shoulder before running to Eunbi who's currently carrying her stuff from the car to the house.

"Oh my sweet boy.. You've gotten even taller than the last time you're here." She opened up her arms to engulf him in a warm hug.

"Hey grandma, I've missed you." Feeling his grandma's embrace definitely brings all the memories flooding back into his head.

"Why you didn't tell me Eunbi noona was the one picking us?" He playfully sulk at his grandma.

"She wanted to surprise you guys." His grandma earn a confusing look from Y/N.

"She just finished her studies and visited me the other day." She pulled her grandson towards the front door.

"When I told her you and Yuri were coming, she offered to pick you guys from the train station. She said she misses you two, especially you."

"M-m-me!? B-but why?" Y/N felt agitated after hearing what his grandma just told him.

"Of course she misses you. You've been friends since you two were basically a baby. Don't tell me you've forgotten that one time you two played in that kiddy pool naked?"

"G-grandma!! Shhhhhh! How can you say that out loud! She can hear you!" Thanks to his grandma, that embarrassing memory is also coming back inside his head.

"Oops did I say that out loud? My bad." She laughed at his reaction before going to the kitchen to see what Eunbi and Yuri is doing."

"Sheeeshhh that woman..." He calmed down before carrying his suitcase upstairs to the room he always stayed in.


Sweet Night by V is such a good song.

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