Chapter 7

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"Gosh noona... I told you to be careful! Thankfully the bleeding stopped but you must've lost lots of blood." He rips a piece of his shirt before wrapping it around her shin.

"How can you be so carefree after being hurt like this!?"

"I-i don't want to make you worry." Eunbi felt like she was scolded by Y/N. A rare sight to see.

"Huhhh... I'm sorry... I was already so worried about you.." He holds her cheeks and faced her.

Her face is turning red again.

"Come on get on my back, I'll piggyback you out of here." Eunbi climbs up his back and wrapped her arms around his neck.

'Oh they're really soft...'

"Yahh I know what you're thinking right now! Don't think about it too much!!" Eunbi embarrassed but there's nothing she can do about it.

"I'm not thinking about anything! Gosh please have some faith in me."

'Damn it why are they so soft? Shit! I'm totally thinking about it now!'

"Um we got another problem... I forgot the way I came from." Y/N couldn't identify his surrounding anymore. It all seems the same to him.

"Well they always told us to follow the stars right?"

Both of them looked up in the sky. The two were in awe watching the stars. It was so beautiful and mesmerizing, for a few minutes they didn't feel like they were lost.

While Y/N is still staring at the stars, Eunbi steal a look at him from the back.

'You're so much different. Your shoulders are broader now, your hands are bigger, and since when did you become so attractive Y/N?'

"The villagers and the rangers are coming anyway. I'm sure if we keep on walking straight we'll find somebody." Y/N's words interrupted Eunbi's thought.

"Y-yeah we'll find them too."

Like what they planned, after carefully choosing a direction to walk towards to, Y/N brave through the forest with caution.

Thankfully Eunbi kept a spare flashlight when she tried to find water earlier, that one small flashlight became a hope for them to find their way out of here.

After walking for about 20 minutes Y/N saw something.

"I see lights! HAHA! We're saved!" Y/N ran towards the light. Thank God it was a villager.

"Ahjussi!!! Here!!!" He yelled like there was no tomorrow.

"Hey I've found them near the riverside." The villager talk through the walkie talkie.

"Aigoo~ you two really gave us a hard time tonight." The old man said to them.

"It's this girl's fault ahjussi~ not mine." He teasingly gave Eunbi a glare.

"Sorry Ahjussi. It's my fault." Eunbi bowed her head even though she's on Y/N's back.

The man notice the clothe around Eunbi's leg. "You must've gotten hurt, come on, let's get you some help.


After they gotten out of the forest, the villagers brought them back to Eunbi's house where their families and friends are waiting for them.

Eunbi's parents rush to hug their daughter, they must have been worried for their only daughter. Y/N on the other hand receives slaps to the shoulder by his grandma and sister.

"You're so reckless at times!! Aish do you know how worried we are!?" Grandma Jo didn't play around this time.

"I'm sorry, If it's her, I can't just wait and see." He looked down to the ground, feeling guilty for worrying his family.

"Look at you being the hero now. You've done well." Yuri gave him a fist bump. He's pretty annoying but he also can be cool sometimes.

"I'm just glad everyone is saf..." Suddenly, Y/N felt like everything is spinning, the edge of his vision starting to get darker and darker.

'Ah I'm blacking out...' Is the last thing he thought before falling to the ground, passing out.


Y/N's eyes twitch before he opens them widely. He saw a familiar looking ceiling and a familiar blanket wrapped around his body.

'I'm back in my room at grandma's.' He tried to sit down on his bed but stopped when he felt something on his right hand.

'Pabo noona... even when she's hurt she still thinks about others.' Eunbi was sleeping on a chair with her head and arms on the side of his bed, she was holding his hand.

"You know, you should worry about yourself first before everybody else." He rubs Eunbi's hand with his thumb.

He passed out just because he was tired while she has a big cut on her leg and it probably hurts more.

"How lame of me to passed out after rescuing you." He chuckled while thinking what just happened today. She probably wouldn't like someone who's so uncool.

"Yah..nobody lives a life without being lame." He jumped after hearing Eunbi talking so suddenly. She lifts up her head from the bed and is now facing him.

"N-n-noona you were awake!?" She must be listening to all the things he just talked about.

"You're amazing." She let out a little laugh after seeing he flustered.

"Even if you thought you were lame, I thought it was really brave of you to went and look for me." She spoke again.

"Thank you...." She then moves closer to his face and planted a kiss on his cheek. Only an innocent one but still manage to make Y/N's face flushed.

"W-well I'm only doing t-the right thing but you're welcome anyway...."

Eunbi smiled watching her little brother all grown up now. "It's getting late..I should head home now."

Eunbi stands up and ready to leave the room by limping her way home but Y/N grabs her hand, stopping her from walking any further.

"Noona you're hurt. J-just sleep here for tonight."

Y/N is punishing himself after realizing what he just said. 'Yah I totally hit my head on a rock earlier!'

"I mean.. you're hurt and I don't want it to get worse. So just stay here...I mean you can sleep in Yuri's room or something hehe..." He tried to play it off less awkward than it already is.

"Oh..Haha yeah I can sleep in Yuri's room...."

Y/N let go of her hand and she walks to the the door. As she was about to turn the knob, she stops and turns around facing him again.

"But what if I want to sleep in here....with you?...."



Here's a chapter for today. Again, please stay safe. Take care of your health :)

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