long lost Danvers sister x Sara Lance pt2

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Plot: part 2 to the first baby Danvers x Sara Lance (girl reader).


When you, sara, and kara came out of the portal you landed in what looked like a loft when. You turned around however you someone standing there with a gun pointed right at you face, your fight or flight instincts kicked in and you choose option A. fight. You quickally used your hands to disarm the person and then they went for a punch but you were able to use there momentum and grabbed there arm and pulled it behind there back and pushed them down. Doing this caused a loud smack. You continued to hold them like this until Kara said something.

-whoa (y/n) its ok thats alex let her go!- kara said as sara stated to pull you off her.-

Once you let go she got back up and looked at you in shock.

-kara who are these people?- Alex asked once you heard Kara call her Alex. You had to use all your strength not to run and hug her. Because that would be really strange for her without context.

-its a long story but long story short, i lied i didn't go to see clarke i went to another earth to help barry.-

-wait the speedster that you said was from another earth. Why didn't you just tell me where you were going?-

-because i figured you would want to come with me. And i didnt know what we were up against at the time and i couldn't risk something happening to you, although in hindsight it might have been easier. Anyways alex this is sara and sara's girlfriend, (y/n).- kara introduced. - they are here because when i say this is (y/n) i mean our older sister who we thought died 15 years ago. Long story short again the blue portal that she was pushed through didn't kill her it sent her to earth one where she was adopted by saras friend oliver queen's family were she grew up.-

-wait kara you're telling me this is our (y/n)?-

-its me alex. I can even remember when kara came to earth and what we did for your 8th birthday we went laser tagging, you, me, mom and dad. Eliza and jeremiah. We grew up in midvale.- you said trying to convince your younger sister that you were really (y/n).

-oh my god (y/n)!- alex said as she ran up to give you a big hug.

-i'm sorry about earlier is just instinct.- you apologized to alex when you pulled away from the hug.

-it fine. But where did you learn all of that?- she asked with a confused face.

-well when i was younger my older adopted brother oliver went on a boat trip with sara, and after they left it crashed. We thought they had both died without father. And when I thought they died I started leaning more on laural her older sister, and then started hanging more out with tommey. When i started hanging out with tommey his father saw how upset i was and told me about the league of assassins. So he said he could get me in if i wanted, the truth is i really just wanted out of star i mean my brother, dad, and best friend were dead. So i said why not. He shipped me to nana par bad, this is where i was trained under ras ah gule to be an assassin i am not proud of it. But one day when i went out on a mission on an island called ly an yue i found sara washed away on shore. She had told me all about what happened to her and ollie she thought that she was dead again. So me and a girl named nyssa took her back to the league with us and we trained her. A couple years later I was sent to kill Malcolm because he was causing trouble in star city but by the time I got there I found out he was already killed by Oliver at the time known as the arrow. Oliver gave me a choice. He said I could stay in star with him and be a part of team Arrow or go back to the league. I chose to stay in hiding. Then sara right after me ran away from the league and together we were hunted down because we were basically fugitives. And then some other stuff happened like Sara dying and us bringing her back to life, and then the wave rider.- you explained.

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