12- Another One Of Those Twisted Fairytales

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Gentle rain hit my face when we exited the subway station, leaving the dark hole behind us.

I still shivered violently, tears still staining my face, but Hoseok held me up sternly.

"Just... what were you thinking?" He asked, dark eyes blinking down at me bewildered.

I took my sweet time answering his question, not only because I didn't want to answer it, feeling ashamed of myself, but because my brain still seemed to need to unfreeze.

"I- uh..." His hold around my waist tightened when we walked up the stairs, helping me get up there without any complaints, "I wanted to talk to you?"

He didn't react to it, besides a small huff maybe, until we reached the top of the stairs where he led me to one of the iron benches next to the station's entrance.

"You wanted to talk to me." He repeated my words in disbelief, "So you got yourself into a ridiculously dangerous situation in what you could've died, hoping that I'd turn up and get you outta there. Am I right?"

I felt awfully small under his scolding gaze, knowing that this was one of the most idiotic things I've ever done, "...Yes?"

A theatric sigh escaped the older's lips and he leaned back against the hard bench, "You can't just suppose that I'll turn up and safe the day every time you're in danger!"

I knew that.

My face turned towards him and I too leaned back, "That's actually what I wanted to talk about."

He lifted one eyebrow, obviously knowing in what direction this was going.

"Hoseok.... how the fuck did you just find me? And the times before?"

He smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head, "You have a damn strong... uhm- aura? I mean, that's why ghost are attracted to you so easily. And when you are in strong distress... well, let's just say it's like a damn beacon. That's also how I noticed you the first time we met."

I nibbled on my lower lip thoughtfully, "And by 'aura' you mean...?"

"That's a bit hard to explain..." Hoseok admitted, "But you know how people say one has a certain charisma? That's pretty much it, just that it's what ghost and similar beings can actually see, or at least sense."

"And you can?" I asked skeptically.

He crouched forward, leaning his elbows on his thighs, "It's one of the things I learned over time."

It took me a moment to realize why he sounded so sheepish while telling me all of this, but then it dawned me, "Wait... so you knew my location all along?"

"Roughly, yes. It's not like I have a plan of Seoul in my head and a mechanic voice telling me in which street you're turning right now. It was more like, I knew how close we were or how far apart, depending on how strong I sensed your- uh, aura."

"That's... oddly perturbing." I stated and he snickered.

"It's not like I was following that direction."

"I'll never know for sure, will I?" I joked, but he seemed terrified nonetheless.

"I wasn't, I promise!"

I laughed at his distress and went silent for a moment, until my eyes fell onto the silver mark dangling around his neck, which I noticed a few days ago already.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing at the small silver item.

His eyes darted down to the delicate chain and he laughed quietly, "I'd rather not talk about this. You have your own secrets and so do I have mine."

I didn't like the way the mood had turned dark all of a sudden, but understood his point very well; he didn't know me or my history in any kinda way, only superficially, so why would I want to know his?

I jumped up on weak legs, distracting from my still shaken state, "Anyways, shall we go now? I don't really wanna stay next to this deadly place more than necessary."

Hoseok hummed agreeing, getting up too, before brushing off the dust of his dark jeans, "Yeah, let's go to a nicer place. You wanna drink a hot chocolate? I know a great place that's just a few blocks away."

"I'd prefer a coffee but let's go there."

We'd merely started walking when the older boy stopped besides me, "Ah, how about we exchange numbers so that you don't always almost commit suicide to get my attention?"

The way he asked the question seemed a bit too eager and I stuck out my tongue, "As long as I don't get any dick picks from you, sure."

The dark haired cackled, "No pee-pees, promised."

I took out the worn out phone I barely used, though I had saved so long to be able afford it, "Here you go."


This is such a ridiculously short chapter I'm sorry, but I feel like trash lately ugh - I swear it's not Corona


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