24- The Risk Is A Challenge In Itself

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The past days had been... calm. Strangely calm.

For one there hadn't been even a single tiny wheeny shadow bothering me, which was weird considering that the source of my nightmares ever since I was a child had come out to made a move to do... what ever he wanted to do to me, making me ask myself what eventually happened to Mr. Ghost and Hoseok.

It didn't even come to me that something crucial might've happened to Hoseok, knowing that there was absolutely no ghost who could compete with him. But the 'what ifs' were starting to well up inside my mind - what if something happened to him? Hoseok hadn't made a move to contact me once, and I didn't even know if I wanted to contact him in the first place. Maybe, it was better that way; Not knowing where he was at or what happened to him.

But not only the lack of scary ass shadows creeping up behind me was what caused the current calmness in my life.

The whirlwind, that opening up to my foster mom Chungha conjured every time, had faded to a gentle cool breeze, keeping me on alert but not preventing me from getting comfortable around her.

She never forced me to go to school, to do anything she knew I wouldn't be comfortable with, always being 100% understanding. Often times, we just sat together in her small living room in silence, her reading a book and me scrolling through my phone.

Only lately, I started to realize how hard I had been on her for no reason and how little she deserved it. She'd never been anything but nice to me, always doing everything in her might to make me feel at home, and I felt overwhelmed, now that I allowed myself to see the things she did for me.

My days were a weird mush of visiting Yoongi, doing only a few jobs for him that I knew were safe, chatting away with the small raven hair and coming home considerably early in the evenings, spending some time with Chungha, mostly in silence.

Right now, I was ready to go home and snuggle up in a blanket on our comfy, worn out couch and eat some of the soup Chungha had prepared this morning, but I felt myself halting on my way home.

I turned my body slightly, neck craning upwards as I eyed the building in front of me.

This was supposed to be the school I should be attending.

I'd only been there twice; The day Chungha registered me at the school and the second being my first day there, already being fed up from the pitying gazes and fake-friendly students after a couple of hours.

If I was to attend school now, I wouldn't be able to keep up. Not in class, nor socially. I didn't know how to make friends, never bothered to do so.

Yoongi said it was possible for me to go back to normal, and well, he also said that it was going to be hard. I started to realized how hard it was going to be.

All the lights were turned off when I came home, besides the small lamp in the living room, indicating that Chungha was currently reading.

"Hey." I mumbled, walking straight up to the kitchen to warm up some soup.

"Hey," Chungha answered with a smile when I walked back in the living room, closing her book when I sat down next to her with the steaming hot bowl in my hands, "I wanted to talk to you, Honey."


"You said you needed some time, but I've seen you change within the past days and honestly-" She stopped, obviously not knowing how to finish that sentence, "I just want to know what happened. That day you called me to pick you up." She gently reached out to stroke my arm with a comforting smile, "You never called me before, that was really a shock for me."

Ghost In My Head ◆ JungHoseok ✔Where stories live. Discover now