Game 2... Begin!

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Cat's PoV

"Let's start game 2!" I yelled. 

"But, we just played like, 30 minutes ago," Cala said.

"Oh well," Bet says, sticking out her tongue. 

Cala frowns. "But, why? This game is a little- how should I put this? Cruel?"

"What?!" Sally exclaims. "Since when is killing cruel?"

Bet rolled her eyes. "Alright, game 2 will start in a few moments."



(Cala: Murderer/ Sabre: Sheriff/ Everyone else: Innocent)

Innocent, I had a perfect chance to be murderer! We are in the Warehouse, the perfect place to be murderer, but I'm innocent. I just hope we find the murderer and get this over with. 

"Where's everyone?" I asked. 

"I'm in the vents," Lucas said. "I'm lost, it's too dark, I can't find my way out."

Bet laughed. "Get wrecked!"

Murderer killed TheLSpike...

"What?!" Lucas exclaimed. 

"Who was it?" I asked. 

"We promised no cheating!" Cala said. 

"I didn't see," Lucas said. "And even if I did, I wouldn't tell. It's called 'Murder Mystery' for a reason."

Murderer killed EmburnFireFox...

"What the flip!" Bet yelled. "I am so fricking bad at this game."

Rainbow Steve chuckled. "Could we give hints?"

I ran through the vents and climbed up the ladder at the end. "I suppose so."

"The murderer is in the same room as you, Rainbow Steve." Bet said. 

When I came out of the vents, I saw everyone gathered together. I went over to join them and spotted Rainbow Steve. This is going to be a lot harder...

"Are you the murderer?" Rainbow Steve asked me.

"I just got here!" I argued. 

"The murderer better make a move," Bet grumbled. "I want to play so bad!"

"Calm down, Bet," Cala said. "I'm sure they'll make a move soon."

"Everyone split up!" Bet practically yelled. 

Sally smiled and skipped away. Rainbow Steve stayed with Sabre and Cala left the room slowly. I followed. 

Murderer killed Catplayandwrite...

"What?!" I gasped. 

"I know who it is!" Rainbow Steve exclaimed. 

I went into spectator mode and followed Sabre and Rainbow Steve. Sabre whipped out his bow and shot the arrow.

Sheriff stopped Murderer, Cala...

"I knew that would happen," Cala said. "I'm bad at being murderer."

We spawned in the main room once again.

"Don't worry about it," Lucas said. "You tried. I think I'll go now, I don't want to play anymore."

"You mean, you're done for good?" Rainbow Steve asked. 

"Yeah, I think so," Lucas said. 

"Thanks for playing, though!" Bet said. 

TheLSpike left the game...

"Guess it's just us now," I said. 

"Yep," Bet said. "I can't wait to start game 3!"

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