The past

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Hannas POV
"Good morning beautiful" luke said. "Good morning" I said. "Are the kids up" I asked. "No there still sleep I checked on them" he said. "Ok" I said. "I have a surprise for you today" luke said. "Is it for me and the girls or just me" I asked. "Just you" he said smiling. "Then what about the kids" I asked. "I asked my dad to come over" he said. "What should I wear for this surprise" I asked. "Whatever you want" He said. "Ok" I said. "I'm going to go make breakfast" he said as he was getting up. "Ok I'll go check on the girls" i said before I got out of bed.

Luke told me to be ready by 7 and it was 6:30. I took a shower and put on a red dress. I went downstairs around 6:58 and saw Luke's dad here. "Hello Hanna" he said as he was holding leilani. "Hi" I said walking towards luke. "You look beautiful" luke said as he wrapped an arm around me. "Thank you" I said. "Dad here's a list of anything you could need and where it is for the girls" luke said before he handed him a paper. "Ok" he said as he looked at the list. "We shouldn't be gone for no longer than 2 hours maybe" luke said. "If there's any trouble just call us" I said. "I highly doubt I'll need to call you guys now go have fun on your date" he said. Kayla was sitting on the couch playing on her tablet. "Ok me and Luke are going to be gone for a little bit and grandpa is going to watch you until we come back" I said as I sat next to her on the couch. "I love you and be good" I said as I hugged her. "I love you too mommy" she said as she hugged me back. While I was talking to kayla luke was saying goodbye to leilani, after we were done we switched. I walked over to Luke's dad and gave leilani a kiss on her head. This is the first me and Luke have left the house without the girls together. "Ok dad do you need anything before we go" luke said. "No we'll be fine" his dad said. I grabbed my purse and phone then we left.

It was about a 30 minute drive to a fancy looking restaurant we pulled up too. Luke opened the door for me and we walked into the restaurant. "Name please" the woman asked. "Jacobs" luke said. "Please follow me" she said. We followed her to a private room with fairy lights and roses it was beautiful. "Enjoy" she said before she shut the door. "Luke this is beautiful" I said after I sat down. "It is I'm glad you like it" he said. "We haven't been out without the girls so I thought it was time to go on a date show you how much I love you" he said. "You don't have to show me you love be taking me to fancy places and spending a lot of money. I know you love and I love you too very much" I said smiling. "I know I don't I just like too plus I don't mind spending my money on my beautiful fiancé" he said. Luke poured us some wine then we looked at the menu. The waiter came in and took our orders. "I don't know what I did to deserve a beautiful family and an amazing man" I said after the waiter left. "What was your life like before we met" he asked. "How far do you want me to go back" I asked. "How about college" he asked. "Ok well my first year of college was not how most people would want their first year of college to go. I went to a party had a little to much to drink and got pregnant with Kayla. I told her father and he said he wanted nothing to do with her so I raised her on my own with my moms help for 3 years while still doing college. Then when I got that job and started working for you my life's been better ever since" I said. "I'm sorry you had to raise kayla alone for 3 years no one should have to go through that" he said. "Your right at least I'm not doing it anymore" I said. "Because you have me" he said. "Because I have you. Tell me what your life was like" I asked smiling. "Start from college" he asked. "Yep" I said. "Well I studied business in college so I could take over my fathers company when it was my time and that's what I did" he said. "That's it no parties, no girlfriends, no sports" I asked. "I had a few girlfriends but they all wanted my money so i just stop dating" he said. "What changed to make you date me" I asked. "You seemed different so I took a chance and I'm glad I did because I was right you are different from the other women" he said. "Thank you for taking a chance on me" I said. "No thank you for being different" he said.

The food came and we ate and talked and laughed some more. "Now that we're engaged We have to start thinking about the wedding. Do you want a wedding planner or do you want to plan it all yourself" luke asked. "I'm not sure my mom would love to help plan my wedding. I'll have to talk to her about it after we tell her we're engaged" I said. "Oh right how should we tell people" he asked. "Maybe like how we told everyone I was pregnant" I suggested. "Yea that's not a bad idea" he said. We finished eating and paid the check.

We got home around 10 and saw Luke's dad asleep on the couch. "Dad" luke said as he shook him to wake him up. "I'm up" his dad said. "How was the girls" Luke asked. "They were good. I put them to bed about an hour ago. How was your guys date" he said. "Amazing" I said. "That's good I'm glad you guys had a good time" he said. "Dad you can stay here if your to tired. There's a guest room upstairs" luke said. "Thanks I think I'm going to take you up on that offer" his dad said as he stood up. "I'll show you where it is" luke said.

Luke's POV
Luke and his dad walked upstairs together. "Dad do you need anything" I asked. "Nope I'm good" he said as he sat on the bed. "Let me know if you do Goodnight dad" I said. "Goodnight son" he said before I shut the door. I went downstairs and Hanna was sitting on the couch on her phone. "I checked on the girls their both sleep" I said as I sat next to her on the couch. "Remind me to thank your dad tomorrow" She said as she laid her head on my shoulder. "I will if you forget" I said. "Thank you for today I really liked our date" she said. "Your welcome. I know were going to be busier now with the girls and me going back to work but I want to go on dates more often" I said. "That's sounds like a good idea but I want come up with some of them you've thought and planned most of the dates we've done" she said. "You can plan the next one deal" I asked. "Deal" she said. "I love you Luke" she said. "I love you too" I said. "Now let's get to bed" I said before picked her up bridal style and walked upstairs to our bedroom.

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